Blow to Chareidim: Committee Approves Zero VAT Bill

gafniIn a blow to the chareidi tzibur, the Zero VAT (Value Added Tax) bill passed in the Knesset Finance Committee. The committee passed it its second and third (final) readings, delivering a victory to Yesh Atid leader Minister Yair Lapid. The bill was Lapid’s flagship legislation. The passage of the bill was the result of the deal made with Bayit Yehudi. The victory for Lapid followed a tenacious battle by chareidi lawmakers to block the bill, which must now pass a second and third vote in Knesset to become law.

In all likelihood the Knesset speaker will put the bill on hold, at least until other objectionable portions of the state budget are resolved.

MK Moshe Gafne shout out the bill will not pass in Knesset. MK (Shas) Yitzchak Cohen said “It is a difficult day for the Finance Committee that perpetrated this awful act”.

MK (Ra’am-Ta’al) Dr. Ahmed Tibi stated “I would like to add for the protocol (minutes) that this is a dark day for the Knesset. Most MKs here are opposed to the bill that allocates 21 million shekels in the next seven years. The situation is absurd that employees of the treasury came to us and explained just how bad the bill is and we passed something that is harmful to the state”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

24 Responses

  1. Another feather in Satmar’s cap.

    More evidence that zionists see frum Jews as public enemy #1 (okay,tied for first with the Arabs).

    Given the zionist goal of a medinah free from Torah, its surprising they even let hareidim buy apartments. Many if not most Israelis feel the country would be better off if the hareidim were expelled.

  2. Why doesn’t YWN mention the conditions of the bill? Just saying that it is a “Blow to Charedim” doesn’t explain anything. This exemption is available to each and every citizen of Israel (haredi, arab, hiloni, DL, etc.), just as long as one serves in the IDF/national service.

  3. Explain what is the ZERO VAT BILL?

    What are its advantages and dis?

    More evidence that zionists see frum Jews as public enemy #1 – BTW-Statistics show it is the religious SETTLER as ENEMY #1!!!

  4. I’m a religious orthodox Zionist and am grateful to our creator that he bestowed on this generation our return to our homeland. You my friend need to get a job and support your family. Robert Rogoff

  5. The article wasnt clear what this bill was.

    Basically the Bill says first time home buyers would not have to pay a sales tax when they purchase an apartment.

    Housing in Israel is expensive. Exactly why the Haredi MK’s are so against young people buying apartments is not clear, they just claim its waste

  6. This news story makes no sense. What does a VAT have to do with Chareidim? Furthermore, why quote that outspoken Arab MK – is he now a Chareidi ?!

    YWN, please fill in what’s missing.

  7. akuperma: I usually don’t bother answering you because frankly, you’re ignorant, biased and off the wall.

    If the Zionists really wanted “a Medina free of Torah,” as you put it, then explain why they’ve funded Torah institutions, Rabbis and Kollel students from day one in amounts greater than ever before in history.

    Explain how giving veterans a 0% VAT on first time housing purchases destroys Torah. The U.S. and other countries give their veterans many benefits including special mortgages, closing cost assistance, etc. Why shouldn’t Israel give its veterans, who risk their lives every day to protect the Medinah, including Chareidim, benefits as well.

    Chareidim can get the same benefits and many will, if the Bill is finalized.

    The problem with your ilk, is you are intellectually dishonest and will side with anything against Israel who can do no right in your eyes.

    There is enough to criticize legitimately, as is lots to appreciate, but atleast be honest about it.

  8. It won’t be long before every chareidi willbe obligated to wear a patch CHAREIDI on his shirt, sometimes its good that the anti chareidi shows who and what the are so no one errs on that.

  9. If you serve in the Army, you get a benefit. Like a salary, and this. No one should be forced to serve, but there’s nothing wrong with rewarding people who do.

  10. Akuperma–you are truly a paranoid person everything in your puny mind is zionists agains toreh,you deliberatly blind youreself to reality.

  11. Personally, I am disgusted with all the sinas chinam from all side. This whole 0 Vat move seems like a typical backroom wheel and deal , in order to secure votes.

    Very clever populist move…

  12. #3 #6
    Even thought the Att. General declared the bill illegal discrimination?

    #5 LRR18
    It depends if you really have potential to change things from within.
    otherwise If you wish to be a ‘useful idiot’ ‘ cog in the system’or the horse Boxer,so sad, but be our guest.

    How about stepping forward and showing some noble civil disobedience?

  13. #8 BarryLS1
    ad hominems eh?
    might everything you said perhaps be referring to yourself?

    “explain why they’ve funded Torah institutions, Rabbis and Kollel students from day one in amounts greater than ever before in history.”

    eh..Try that one .

    Because money is the cheapest and easiest means to get generations of charedim ( originally OUT of mainstream society and )off their backs

    Moshe Sheinfeld, the old charedi developer & philanthropist “the Torah is despite the Medina, not because of it”

    Go ahead and be so intellectually dishonest as to deny it

  14. Every country rewards their armed force veterans. In the USA, war veterans received eternal medical care & I do NOT……

    Is that racist? Or discrimatory? Or anti- non armed forces veterans?

  15. Question of the week(or maybe decade):
    If zionism ‘s purpose was to establish the state of Israel, and it’s established for 47 years already—–who needs Zionism anymore ?

  16. Could somebody explain why a bill that enables citizens to pay no taxes on a new home is anti-Chareidi? If there was a bill doubling taxes explicitly for the Chareidi tzibbur, would that be considered “mehadrin”?

    And I don’t understand how this bill’s passing “proves” the ideology of Satmar. Just wondering…

  17. For those in the know (not many), there are discounts that Charedim get when buying apartments due to family size or development area.

    Till last year apartments in Beitar & Kiryat Sefer were discounted due to a clause called “Development City”

  18. #8BarryLS1,

    if your Hashkafa and ideals cannot survive in a free market of ideas ,how much are they worth?

    your crowd is only openminded to what comes from the left?

    presumably you’re under zero obligation to visit this site

    #18al daas hamakom

    well said

    Because once Zionism is dropped ,whats left other than to be jewish?

    (the last real secular zionists are.. the left leaning dati and a small number left leaning charedi)

    Indeed if Zionism was only about having a homeland ..

    (To be fair: some such as the Rivlin got this,and are attempting to push society onward)

  19. Who is more ignorant?

    The writers of this article who failed to properly explain the topic. (and merely copied off of kikar hashabat website)

    Or ;

    The individuals who posted their opinions on a subject they aren’t familiar with, only because the title or select phrases in this article piqued their ignorant curiously.

    A daily quandary. 

  20. About Time: More nonsense from you. Irrespective of their motivations, the Israeli government funded Torah. That’s a fact whether you like it or not. They may have done some horrible things too, but give credit where credit is due. That’s intellectual honesty.

    Again,no matter what the motivation, you don’t fund something your trying to destroy. They wanted people to be secular and have a secular state. They did some evil things, but they did rebuild the Medinah, made the effort and sacrifice that others were unwilling to do. It may not be the type of State we want right now, but it will be. It had to start somehow.

    Much of our history, Hashem has used seemingly treif methods to fool the Sitra Achra to set the stage for the ultimate Geulah, i.e. Yehudah and Tamar and Rus. The secular founders of the State certainly fit that bill.

    Your second response is even more laughable. I’ve never been called a leftist in my life. Thank for the laugh. Unlike you, I don’t delude myself into believing nonsense. The truth is the truth, even if it doesn’t fit yours, mine or anyone else’ world view.

  21. #8BarryLS1,

    let it be known you are biased as well.

    This bill was purposely tailored to feature veterans only, for the purpose of eliminating. the author of the bill yair lapid ym”sh is a fervent hater of chareidim and does everything in his power to cause them tzaar to think that the exclusion of non-idf veterans from this bill wasnt for the sole purpose of hurting the olam hachareidim ledvar hashem is very intellectally dishonest! look in the mirror my friend before throwing stones.

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