Hagon HaRav Yitzchak Yosef Slams Those Who Ascend Har HaBayis; Rabbi Stav Says He Does Not Need a Hechsher from Anyone

yyoRishon L’Tzion Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef announced has come out harshly against rabbonim who permit ascending to Har Habayis. In light of the recent sharp escalation in Arab violence and terror attacks, Rav Yosef is among many other rabbonim who feel visiting Har Habayis is a provocative act that will bring disaster to Am Yisrael.

Tzohar Rabbonim responded to that statement, explaining “The dati leumi rabbonim do not need a hechsher from anyone”. Rav Stav added “to say that rabbonim enter an areas that carry ‘Misa Bedei Shomayim’ is throwing sand in the public’s eyes”.

In his hesped for terror victim Shalom Aaron Ba’adani on erev Shabbos, Rav Yosef explained the Harugei Malchus are seated close to the Shechina for the high level they attained, and this now includes Aaron, who loved to study Torah.

Rav Yosef feels “The time has come to stop the incitement and to stop spilling Jewish blood and acting against the gedolim who speak against visiting Har Habayis. Third rate rabbonim cannot go against gedolei yisrael”.

President Reuven Rivlin spoke with Rav Yosef and agreed with his position regarding Jews visiting Har Habayis.

Rabbanei Tzohar feel Rav Yosef is the inciter for pointing a finger at those who ascend to Har Habayis in a halachically correct fashion.

In response, Rav Stav explained “Without getting into the halachic aspect permitting one to ascend to Har Habayis in our times, the gedolei Torah in the Zionist community do not require a hechsher or authority for anyone. Instead of blaming the murderers, a finger of blame is pointed at the victims…”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

33 Responses

  1. I don’t understand how people can argue with a gadol hador like that why is there no United front that everyone listens to? With Har habayit,drafting yeshiva students,the giyur bill… Why can’t they just listen to the rabbis?

  2. The lesson for HaRav Yitzchak Yosef:

    “Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.” – Mark Twain

  3. this sounds exactly like the maaseh Korach-“kal ha’aida kulam kedoshim” these Zionist rabbonim think they know better than the greatest Gedolei Hador and even against Chazal who warn against inciting the goyim while in galus

  4. Hashem gave us gedolim steeped in Torah and halacha to guide us. To go against the majority of them is called “playing with fire”

    akuperma says:
    November 6, 2014 at 4:07 pm
    He is too polite to say so, but it should be pointed out that many of those for praying on the Temple Mount aren’t even religious, and are doing so only for the purpose of provoking a war. Many of the Religious Zionists believe that it is a mitzva to have a war with the goyim, so “playing with fire” is from their perspective, a good thing.

    Gadolhadorah says:
    November 6, 2014 at 8:12 pm
    I don’t understand how so called “frum” yidden, including some MKs, are willing to ignore the psak of chashuve rabbonim and gadolim like Sternbuch in the name of their political agendas. We don’t need to waste precious security resources protecting these mindless zealots who seem more intent on provoking the Palestinians than on pursuing some legitimate religious endeavor.

  5. Isn’t it amazing that the same people who make fun of chareidim for not going into the army ( “do you really believe torah learning protects klal yisroel ” ) don’t see anything wrong with putting soldiers and the rest of us in danger by going onto the bar habayis because they hold its mutar and showing jewish presence on the har habayis is so important?

  6. with all due respect to Rav Stav, Rav Yosef is saying “be smart rather than right”. Also, Rav Stav is not as big as all the previous poskim who were against ascending the Har Habayis. The issue here is many in the dati leumi consider mitzvas yeshivat eretz yisroel to be superior to everything. A dayan should always consider precedence. This includes in this situation. Rav Yosef obviously does not consider mitzvas ye”y to void any others, does consider precedence, and more than all, smart rather than correct.
    Rav Stav, you lost me on this one.

  7. Nan

    If all issues were as simple as the three examples you listed, perhaps there would be a united front. However, in many more issues, there are a broader range of views. It is especially difficult to have a united front when some consider those who disagree, heretics. Just scan some of the Israel related comments on this “frum” website and you’ll see what I mean.

  8. Rabbi Stav is just a sore loser for not attaining the Chief Rabbi position. Thank G-d he didn’t. Look what we would have been stuck with!What a ____ .

  9. With all repect to Rav Yosef, He is a Gadol, but not THE Gadol Hador and on many issues there are disputes and one can follow their own Rav.

    There was never a united front on almost anything

  10. When reaction to Da’as Toyroh starts going in such a direction unfortunately we know the consequences. עפרא לפומיה

  11. Realistically, Nan, do YOU listen to EVERY Rav who paskens? Or do you have YOUR Posek/Rav whose opinions differ from others? That’s the problem with your question: different strokes for different folks. Zeh hu.

  12. computerbubby, by your logic there are no halachic standards for my “choosing” a Rav. Narishkeit! the same “heavenly Yokes for ALL folks”

  13. Al daas hamakom, I have no clear idea what point you are trying to make, but I think you’re arguing the same as I am. Each person chooses his/her Rav according to his/her shiita/mesora & follows that Rav. And since there are goodness knows how many Rabonim/Gedolei Hador/Chachamim etc etc etc, ineveitably there will be different rulings. Let me put it this way: you think MO follows the same ruling as Sefardim who follow the same as Satmar? Every group is different. Halacha doesn’t determine which Rav one follows, it’s a combination of upbringing & cultural/religious nuances (minhagim). What is “kosher” for Sefardim is not for me. Doesn’t mean it’s “treif”, it means it’s not what I follow. Of course, you can continue to argue & get angry about it & I will just take myself out of the “discussion.”

  14. Sadly, the religious Zionist Rabbis are the modern day “BARYONIM”. They think with their hearts and not with their heads. Then(around the time of the churban), as well as today, the cooler heads of our gedolim warned about the implications for Klal Yisroel. Fortunately, the Chief Rabbis of Israel DO pay attention to Gedolim. Sadly, the Chief Rabbis of Jerusalem, who were recently elected, also belong to the “Baryonim” club.

  15. Yagel Libi,alexfromny,zionflag

    who are you now attempting to deceive?

    Since when does Dati believe in listening to rabbis (excepting the small minority who do,and were lashed out against last week by Rabbi chaim Druckman)?

  16. Yagel Libi,alexfromny,zionflag,computerbubby,

    both sides of the mouth..eh?

    didn’t Stav write a year ago that when it comes to politics a person (or at least parties) Isn’t supposed to listen to rabbanim?

    (On that,of course, he is hardly novel.Maimon-fishman declared the same six decades ago)

  17. #26computerbubby
    really?! it’s pick and choose ?
    ice cream with many flavors?

    You may have been lulled into ignorance,but for those who are sincere this is very serious

  18. This going on HAr Habayis is a new “frumkeit” which rhymes with Krumkeit! No Jew went on Har Habayis for the generations that Jews lived in Yerushalayim! Rav Ovadya Yosef in one of his seforim wrote that Sir Moses Montefiore went with his Rov onto Har Habayis carried in an enclosed coach. He was immediately put into Cherem by the rabboney Yerushalayim. He ran directly to Re Shmuel Salanter crying, saying his rov said it was OK to go in this way, and he explained his Psak. He said had he known the Rabbonim of Yerushalayim prohibited it neother he nor hos rov would have gone! His heart felt plea was heard and the cherem lifted.
    In recent times, Rav Ovadya Yosef wrote there is NO PLACE on Har Habayis according to every view. Rav Nebenzal also prohibited going on Har Habayis!
    All the “rabbis” who go are not on the level of Rav Ovadya or Rav Nebenzal!

  19. Do you ever listen to yourselves? You are all so angry & full of hate – in your mini worlds there is never any room for tolerance & respect within different viewpoints. I LISTEN TO MY RAV. I guess you listen to yours. The difference is, I respect you for your opinions, to which you are entitled because YOU FOLLOW YOUR RAV. You are incapable of doing the same. There are Rabbonim who say it is OK to go up to Har Habayit. I DO NOT FOLLOW THEM SO I DO NOT HOLD BY THAT RULING. But their followers do. Do you get it now?

  20. There are a couple of points to be made here.

    1. The article’s headline is misleading. Rav Stav did not say that HE does not need a hechsher from anyone; he said, and this is pulled directly from the text of the article, “The dati leumi rabbonim do not need a hechsher from anyone”. This refers to Rabbanim such as Rav Druckman, Rav Lior, and Rav Nachum Rabinowitz, all of whom are acknowledged as major Talmidei Chachamim, and all of whom are Matir going on certain portions of the Har HaBayis.

    2. With all due respect to Rav Yosef’s position, the Rabbanim mentionned above are “third-rate” in noone’s book. It would behove those who have a disagreement in Halacha to stick to the Halachic arguements, and not to be Poge’a in the Kavod of Talmidei Chachamim with such gratuitous insults.

    an Israeli Yid

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