BREAKING: Obama Taps African American Female U.S. Attorney From Brooklyn As New Attorney General

ywbn1Loretta Lynch, the U.S. attorney in Brooklyn, is expected to be President Barack Obama’s pick for attorney general, U.S. officials briefed on the matter told CNN’s Evan Perez.

An announcement is expected in the coming days, though the timing is complicated by the President’s plans to travel to Asia this weekend.

U.S. officials say the President’s decision is not official until there is a formal announcement from the White House.

Attorney General Eric Holder announced in September his plans to step down.

(Source: CNN)

15 Responses

  1. Why MUST he choose a “black” AG? Being that Witholder is “black” so he must be replaced him by one? And here I thought Obama was not a race baiter.

  2. Why is this “Breaking News” and what does the color of her skin have anything to do with it. The headline should have had her name, the article could discuss her track record and bring an opinion as to wether she is competent to the job.

  3. If she’s good, good. If Obama plans to appoint her simply because of the color of her skin, that is racist. It’s not like anything else can be expected of him.

  4. The reason her race is mentioned is because it was a foregone conclusion that Holders replacement would be black. No serious political pundit ever thought otherwise. His search criteria only allowed for a black candidate. Imagine the outcry if a white president limited his search criteria to a white candidate, and everyone knew it in advance. The double standard is why race will always be an issue in this society. Liberals do not understand the concept of letting the cream rise to the top. (Pun not intended).

  5. It’s breaking= heart breaking. The color of her skin is the main reason he is choosing her, everything else will have to fall into place. He is doing it to make a statement!

  6. Re comments 1 through 8: Were you guys whining the same tune when Jack Lew, the frum Jew, was appointed Secretary of the Treasury?

    Is it racism when Boro Park elects Dov Hikind to the State Assembly?

  7. “Is it racism when boro park elects dov hikind”
    Uh no nfgo3, its not racism. Last time I checked judaism isn’t a race.
    Furthermore your comparison is (as usual) way off base. Comparing someone who’s appointed to their position to someone who was elected by voters in a democratic election process is beyond ludicrous.

  8. Lets forget about race in this situation. She is the US Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, having served for two different administration albeit Democrats. But so what. Her track record is excellent and she has actually practiced law unlike some AG’s who were appointed to the position as their first meaningful position. (RFK)

    I believe she has a lot more on the ball than the present Holder of the position.(pun intended).

  9. So far it seems like the only reason to oppose her is that she is black and is being appointed by a black president. And the people who can’t come up with any reason other than that claim that others, not them, are racists.

  10. Chuck hall got it half right. Its not the candidate per se, that’s the problem. Its who appointed her. Her new boss doesn’t exactly have a sterling track record when it comes to putting (often petty) partisan politics over the good of the country.

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