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New York AG Schneiderman To Focus On Corruption, Wages, Banks

schnNew York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, fresh from re-election by a wide margin, says he’ll focus on government corruption, wage theft and drug trafficking, expanding initiatives from his first term.

Schneiderman, who co-chairs the federal task force investigating banks in the national housing market collapse, also says they’ve done three settlements for $60 billion and more will follow.

He cites 55 cases brought against corrupt public officials and cronies with referrals from state auditors under an arrangement with Comptroller Tom DiNapoli, and says they now plan to be “as aggressive and creative as we have to be” to change Albany’s culture of corruption.

Another target is employer wage theft from low-paid and higher-paid workers. Schneiderman says they recovered $18 million for 14,000 workers and that effort is just starting.


One Response

  1. Attacking banks engaged primarily in national and international business is important. Many other states worry about protecting the interests of only their own citizens, and let the Federal government deal with the “global banks” – but New York realizes that those states are in need of good jobs so the New York Democrats are actively working on encouraging those evil banks to relocate to other states. Who wants evil in your own state. After all, if the Federal government is tightly regulating banks, why can’t New York help. Isn’t an increase in unemployment a good thing (less employment, more need for government welfare, etc.)?

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