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Danon Calls for a Police Offensive and Restoring Deterrence

danonMK (Likud) Danny Danon told Kol Berama Radio on Thursday 13 Marcheshvan that the current situation is a “disgrace”.

Danon explained “Jerusalem is on fire and we must do whatever is necessary to put the fire out towards permitting residents of Yerushalayim to walk around and travel without fear”.

Danon said there is no doubt this is a new intifada, one involving vehicles. He laments the fact that the police response to date has been limited and ineffective, insisting the only way to bring a halt to this is a major police offensive. He calls for sending forces into Beit Haninah and Shuafat and wherever necessary to head off terror activities. He stresses that today Israel is perceived by the enemy as weak. He blames this on poor decision-making and too much talking and too little action.

“We must restore deterrence. For one thing, there is no sane reason to turn over the body of a terrorist to the family hours after the attack to permit them to bury him and open a mourning tent. This is insane” he laments, adding “the home of the terrorist should be razed within hours and not turning over his body to the family”.

Danon calls on police to operate with an iron fist and do whatever it takes to restore security to the capital of the nation, outraged over the lack of security and that officials have permitted the situation to deteriorate to its current state. “They are using Har Habayis as an excuse. Muslims are visiting Har Habayis freely, without limitations, and Jews visiting has no bearing on the status of Muslims and their mosques. It is just an excuse and it should not be tolerated. We saw Abu Mazen’s letter of condolence to the family of the terrorist and it is clear that Har Habayis is being used an excuse, nothing more”.

“Now is not the time to increase Har Habayis activities but if it remains open to Muslims it must be open to Jews and others as well. The rock-throwing and the attacks must stop and clearly these people enjoy the backing and support of Abu Mazen”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. “He stresses that today Israel is perceived by the enemy as weak. He blames this on poor decision-making and too much talking and too little action”

    Well of course. The reason is crystal clear. As long as they keep the CRIMINAL Yochanan Danino, who has the blood of the 3 Kedoshim on his hands, in charge, NOTHING WILL CHANGE! In any “normal” Company, Danino would of been dumped immediately.

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