Ravaad Yerushalayim Speaks Out Against Visiting Har Habayis – Reiterates The Chiyuv Kores

shternbIn a discussion with talmidim this week Ravaad Eida Chareidis HaGaon HaRav Moshe Sternbuch Shlita spoke of the prohibition of visiting Har Habayis and the punishment of kores incurred by doing so. Rav Sternbuch said “HKBH is very angry about this as they speak in the name of the Torah, not to mention they cause terror attacks”.

The rav addressed his talmidim and spoke of a number of issues including visiting Har Habayis and the new giyur law in Israel. The rav explained the problem in Sodom was that the evil was incorporated into the law, creating a most dangerous situation. He explained that if one transgresses due to lust or simply wishing to be like the nations, that is bad but what is far worse is to declare the illegal legal and then turn it into a way of life.

The rav added this is what the Chazon Ish and the Brisker spoke of, that “Mizrochim” are the most dangerous and we must fight against them for they adopt an approach that includes compromise, compelling us to fight to the end.

The Ravaad added “What we have recently seen, hundreds going to Har Habayis despite the prohibition of kores and they are not satisfied with entering as tourists, but to prove that according to the Torah and state law Har Habayis is ours. On this HKBH is very angry since they are not transgressing because they enjoy it but justify their actions are purportedly acceptable to the Torah and halacha and showing us we too should join in. This leads to hatred and R”L we have already seen a number of sacrifices and they say there will be more sacrifices chas v’sholom until they remove themselves from Har Habayis”.

Regarding the new law pertaining to conversions, the rav explained that it was not sufficient for them that state law permitted anyone to convert who wished to but they davka wish to have these converts accepted in name of the Torah and this is worse than before. Therefore they are worse than those who transgress because they enjoy it, or those worshiping avoda zara to be like the nations because the new conversion law compels invalidating Torah Law. This is an unprecedented act of uprooting Yiddishkheit and HKBH’s main anger against Sodom stemmed from this, not that they were evil, but because they wanted everyone to believe they were acting lawfully.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. Pure unbleached emes….Thank-you. There has been a psak by the Gedolim to NOT ascend Har Bayis…If we won’t enforce this psak, Hashem has his ways of doing so.

    Anyone who claims they know better,or argues against this is saying they know more than Rav Elyiashav Ztl..

    Hashem gave us gedolim steeped in Torah and halacha to guide us. To go against the majority of them is called “playing with fire”

  2. He is too polite to say so, but it should be pointed out that many of those for praying on the Temple Mount aren’t even religious, and are doing so only for the purpose of provoking a war. Many of the Religious Zionists believe that it is a mitzva to have a war with the goyim, so “playing with fire” is from their perspective, a good thing.

  3. I don’t understand how so called “frum” yidden, including some MKs, are willing to ignore the psak of chashuve rabbonim and gadolim like Sternbuch in the name of their political agendas. We don’t need to waste precious security resources protecting these mindless zealots who seem more intent on provoking the Palestinians than on pursuing some legitimate religious endeavor.

  4. Pure emes

    Previously he has critiqued charedim for battling militantly against the draft
    ‘chus al kavod atzmo’,

    but less militantly against geirus,marriage,deviancy,chillul shaboss
    ‘ aino chus al kavod kono’

  5. Jews living in ERETZ YISROEL anywhere from the Jordan River till the Mediterranean Sea are a provocation to the ARAB PSYCHE.
    Terror has not increased because of the Har Habayis,,,it has increased because of PA incitement by leadership & imams who remind their devotees that JEWS are “pigs, slaves & infidels” and that the words of the Koran describing killing, stoning, causing bloodshed to Jews must be adhered to..
    This is not POLITICAL it is a religious battle!!!!

  6. Exactly.

    We can say the same thing here in New York State. We have a wicked Governor who signed into Law, Gay Marriage, making it “LEGAL” for a man to take a man or a woman to take a woman! So Toaiva is the law, so nu, what’s wrong?! And yet you have Mosod after Mosod that gave a psak for their Kehilla to go out and vote for the Rasha, Coumo! So in their puny minds, drinking Chalav stam is treif/shaigitz but voting for Hashchasa is a Mitzva! IDIOTS!!!

  7. #5 wrong on several accounts

    For one,Arafat once said the real battle is over the Temple mount everything else is just real estate

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