The Initiative: A Public Kabolas Shabbos Outcry in Yerushalayim

shabbosJerusalem Councilmen (Yahadut Hatorah) Yitzchak Pindrus and Shlomo Rosenthal are pushing an initiative for a collective kabolas shabbos in Yerushalayim. The two want to hold a collective kabolas shabbos on Little Betzalel Street this coming Shabbos.

The Degel Hatorah councilmen point out the initiative is more symbolic, a response to increasing chilul Shabbos by businesses in the capital. They councilmen add that they do not plan on bringing the masses, but a limited number of individuals. The two explain they feel compelled to do something, to cry out amid a most unwanted reality.

The two lament the alarming and worrisome increase in the number of businesses operating on Shabbos in the capital, calling on Mayor Nir Barkat to take action to reverse this unwanted trend and restore the religious status quo that has been in place for years.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. This is a good idea. In our shul we have a collective kabolas shabbos every week — we say some kapitlach tehillim and sing Lecha Dodi. According to some this doesn’t count as true kaballas shabbos, but we later say barchu, and in my shul we also say kiddush.

    I wonder if these people are making up a new type of kabolas shabbos. Very interesting…

  2. Wonderful idea to include all residents in honoring “Shabbat”, the pain of chilul Shabbos effects everyone yet needs to be dealt with in a pleasant & patient way.

    Kol Hakavod.

  3. #1
    Good job

    This is again the reason scoffers receive the worst of punishments in the next world

    Our sages say:One cynical snide remark destroys a hundred lectures of gravitas

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