Update on the Wounded from Jerusalem Vehicular Attack

tehillim.thumbnailThe following information was obtained by Hadassah Hospitals Chief of Emergency Room Services Prof. Yoram Weiss at 13:40.

Five victims listed in light condition are being treated in Hadassah Mount Scopus Hospital. In Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital there is one victim listed in serious-to-moderate condition along with one that is now listed in critical condition. A third person was niftar upon arrival as CPR was being performed.

Shaare Zedek Hospital officials report they were treating four people with light-to-moderate injuries but the condition of two of the victims has worsened and they are now in serious condition.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. The world leaders and media just ignore these terror attacks. Why doesn’t Obama condemn them. Is Jewish blood that cheap? All they can concentrate on is threatening Israel about building housing. Such a double standard. I hope our president realizes how sick this country is of his bias and unfair treatment of Israel, the only democracy in the whole middle east.

  2. Rabbi Yoni if you are maamik in the sugya you will realize that at Hadassah Ein Kerem there were three people brought in. Hence the third Rachmana Litzlan….

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