Nachman Caller Slams Dov Hikind: Which Daas Torah Allowed You To Send A Jew To Jail?!?


In the final 24 hours of the campaign, R’ Nachman Caller has come out with a scathing attack on Assemblyman Dov Hikind questioning whether the Assemblyman has Daas Torah (rabbinical guidance). Specifically, Caller points to Hikind’s decision to go after Nechemya Weberman and celebrate via press release his imprisonment. The ad states “for political reasons Hikind helped throw a Jew in jail for 103 years. Which Daas Torah allowed Hikind to go so extreme?”

Further enraging the Daas Torah crowd, Hikind was an early supporter of Ezras Nashim – the all women competitor to Hatzolah and boasts of helping them get state certification for their volunteer ambulance service. Finally, Caller points to numerous stories in mass media including most recently in the New Yorker and New York Times where Hikind proudly criticizes the community for have a serious problem with child molestation, “Did you vote for Hikind so he would embarrass us in the secular press?” the second ad reads.

Hikind is battling challenger Caller in a race for New York State Assembly. While insiders expect Hikind to win, they will be watching very closely to see the if the anti-Hikind votes exceeds 30% indicating a weakening in support for Hikind in the Jewish community.

No matter who you decide to vote for – make sure and vote today. Polls close at 9PM!

(YWN Desk – NYC)

19 Responses

  1. so Hikind will protect us from child molestors and he has supported Ezras Nashim, a voluntary ambulance service for women. Sounds pretty good to me. Maybe I’ll vote for him.

  2. Everyone knows that Hikind has NO daas torah. He does what he thinks even if it embarrasses the community, hurts Hatzolah and sends a yid to jail.

    Today is a rare chance to send Hikind a message: we don’t approve of you harming our community.


  3. Did anyone see Callar today ?

    Word is that he took off this morning for Palm Springs CA.

    Wants to be away from the press and need to get back to himself.

  4. The issue is not whether Weberman should go to jail. The issues is whether Weberman should go to jail for 103 years. That is longer than Nazi war criminals were sentenced to.

    The issue is whether Hikind should celebrate this prison sentence with a press release.

    The issue is whether Hikind should try and put Hatzolah out of business when they ASKED that Hikind not help their competition.

    The issue is whether Hikind should run around and claim that our community has an epidimic with child molestation when we are no different than any other community.

    The issue is whether Hikind should continue to threaten people in the community who disagree with him.

    The issue is whether Hikind should only help his friends and family get jobs from the government.

    The issue is whether Hikind should make use his position to profit himself through his radio show.

    The issue is whether you trust Hikind who has not delivered in years to suddenly deliver for you.

    Send a message – enough is enough! VOTE CALLER TODAY!

  5. Who is Caller’s “Daas Torah” to violate a midoraysa by attempting to take a job away from another yid? A clear violation of black and white halacha.

  6. I agree that Weberman was clearly railroaded on absolutely no physical evidence or proof, but what does this have to do with running for the assembly seat? “Rabbi” Yaakov Horowitz was the leader in making sure that Weberman would be the scapegoat for all other “real” molestations and never see the light of day. Yet no condemnation from Caller?
    I voted this morning for Hikind, Astorino for Governor, Ross Brady for Congress, and Marty Golden for State Senate.

  7. Seriously – Caller in Albany will make a mockery of our people>
    Nobody fights like Dov Hikind.
    My Mishpucha went out early and we all voted for R’ Dov Hikind.

    Ahavas Yisroel and not Sinas Chinum

  8. I would assume that since this was released so close to the voting that R’ Nachman Caller couldn’t care less about alleged lack of ‘daas torah’ or the sentence Weberman or that covering up molestation cases makes the community look worse. This is merely another mudslinging low blow in the name of ‘the rabbonim’, using the frum communities prejudices and naivety to his political gain. Imagine if a non-jewish politician saw this sign, the ‘daas torah’ would look like they’re supporting the abhorrent actions of Weberman. Regardless of if Dov hikind was right, Caller is no better in his tactics and political ploys. He has an impressive resume on his website bragging about being the only talmid chochom and mechaber sforim to ever run for a political position, as if these things have an objective value that overrides every other facet of a yid that matters, not to mention his clear abuse of his “torah superiority” by using it to advance his political gains. If i were to vote for a talmid chacham it would have to be someone who actually deserved the title beyond his torah knowledge.

  9. “Further enraging the Daas Torah crowd, Hikind was an early supporter of Ezras Nashim – the all women competitor to Hatzolah and boasts of helping them get state certification for their volunteer ambulance service.”

    . Ezras Nashim claims to have the haskama of the Skverre Rebbe Shlita, is the “daas torah crowd” upset with him too?

    . Esras Nashim is NOT a competitor to Hatzalah no matter how you try to spin it.

    . Ezras Nashim is NOT a volunteer ambulance service.

  10. apushatayid: The Skverre Rebbe NEVER endorsed Ezras Noshim in any way sense or form. EN used the fact that New Square has some women who go on the call with the regular Hatzalah driver in NS when women call for an ambulance as a facade in claiming they are similar or that they were endorsed when they never were.

  11. Which Daas Torah has allowed a man to be alone with a teenage girl in violation of Hilchos Yichud?

    Which Daas Torah has allowed people to fight in secular court like the 2 Rebbes?

  12. What has Dov done for YOU in 30+ years in Albany? …….. Were you or a family member a patient in Maimonides? Complain? They laugh in your face ( They sponsor Hikind’s radio show!) ……. What did Dov do for the MILLION DOLLARS he amassed in his war chest? Why would yechidim give him money?????

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