Another Video Surfaces of Machines Turning Republican Votes into Democrat

8 Responses

  1. Is this a hiddush? Did you ever hear of Tammany Hall or Boss Tweed or the infamous Richard Daley of Chicago, or Mayor Curley of Boston (“vote early and often”). Vote fraud is a Democratics (capital “D”) tradition. It’s a hazakah by them, one of their most cherished minhagim.

  2. The Chicago democratic political machine must be sorry that they didn’t think of this thing. It’s better than our moto of “vote early and often”.

  3. any way for a democrat to win (the end justifies the means, and they NEED to hold on to the senate)

    why cant they disqualify all her votes?

  4. To #2, 3, and 4:

    democratic (with a small “d”) refers to someone who favors democracy, government by, for and of the people

    Democratic (with a capital “D”) is a proper name for a political party which, does not favor the above

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