Egged Working Hard to Get Mispallalim to & from Kever Rochel

eggedEgged began stepping up service to and from Kever Rochel located in PA (Palestinian Authority) occupied Beit Lechem to accommodate the tens of thousands of mispallalim planning to visit on the yahrzeit. The stepped up service began on Monday afternoon 10 Marcheshvan, the day before the yahrzeit.

Egged officials report that during the yahrzeit operation, buses will make 900 trips. A park-and-ride arrangement is operating from Teddy Stadium across from Malcha Mall and it operated through the night the eve of 11 Marcheshvan. Security forces are out in large numbers to protect travelers heading to and from the tziyun. Shuttle buses from the park-and-ride will operate every 15-20 minutes.

The 163 line will travel from Malchei Yisrael opposite Yeshivas Rozin via Binyanei Ha’uma picking up travelers from the 402 bus stop and then directly to Kever Rochel.

Service was renewed on Tuesday morning 11 Marcheshvan at 07:00 and it will continue without interruption until 22:00.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Egged needs to be avoided by all frum Jews. They refuse to uphold laws of tznius, both outside the bus with the ads and inside with mixed seating.

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