Report: Netanyahu & Abdullah Met in Jordan on Shabbos

biAccording to a report from Kuwait, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu met with Jordan’s King Abdullah in Jordan on Shabbos or motzei Shabbos.

The report appeared in the Al Jarida newspaper in Kuwait City. The report states the meeting was to calm the situation as tensions are mounting between Israel and Jordan over Har Habayis and the ongoing effort in Israel to permit Jewish tefilos on the holy site.

According to the report, the prime minister told the Jordanian king he is thinking of prohibiting Jews from visiting Har Habayis. There is no comment from official sources in Israel if the meeting took place or what was discussed.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Have commentators #1 & 2 above learned that there is heter to be mechalel Shabbos for pikuah nefesh and even hashash pikuah nefesh?

  2. he is thinking of prohibiting Jews from visiting Har Habayis. Given that he was already preceded by this prohibition in Parshas Poro, I don’t quite fathom what Netanyohu has to add to what has already been prohibited by haShem in Parshas Chukkas.

  3. Word has it that there was a problem at shalesh-sudes. The king refused to eat the prepared bagel. Seems that holds like the Bies Yosef, & doesn’t eat fish (lox) & dairy (cream cheese) together.

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