Annual Rabin Memorial at Rabin Square in Tel Aviv

rabin.jpgMarking 19 years since the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin, thousands gathered in Tel Aviv’s Rabin Square on motzei Shabbos Parshas Lech Lecha. According to the daily Maariv, “several thousand” took part. Yediot Achronot reports 12,000 were on hand, Haaretz reports “thousands”, Yisrael Hayom reported “A crowd” and Walla did not report a number.

The event has been attracting fewer participants with each passing year, with some of the opinion it is because it does not mark the murder of a prime minister, but it has become a left-wing political event. The main speaker at the event was former President Shimon Peres, who used the platform to espouse his “peace with the Palestinians’ mantra, stating ‘Anyone who has given up on peace is naïve”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. What were his so called great accomplishments?

    Killing the passengers of the Altelena on the beach?
    Or was it
    The great Oslo Accord?

    Just wondering

  2. Peace? Never!

    It is not the Jews who do not want peace; it is the Arabs. They can not live with us Jews, second class dihimis (in their language, being on top, in what they claim to be Islamic land (it was ‘conquered’ by Turkey).

    It was not Yigal Amir who killed the peace process, it is the Arabs and the stupid Jews who do not study or learn the truth about Islam.

    Buy a Koren and read it while in the toilet; it is worth the purchase to know your enemy.

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