Jordan Remains Tenacious on Har Habayis Issue

hhaSeeking to exhibit its sovereignty over Har Habayis, Jordan is flexing its political muscle after Israel last week closed Har Habayis to all visitors, including Muslims. This occurred on Thursday 6 Marcheshvan after the attempted assassination of Har Habayis activist Rabbi Yehudi Glick.

Jordanian Minister of Communications Mohammed Al-Momani released a statement that the peace agreement between Israel and the Hashemite Kingdom is “under threat” due to Israel’s unacceptable actions on Har Habayis, Yediot Achronot quotes Sky News Arabic reporting.

The Jordanian minister is also quoted saying that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has acquiesced to Jordanian demands, signaling the Israeli administration will not permit a change in the status quo on Har Habayis. Nevertheless explained Al-Momani, Israel closed Har Habayis on Thursday and that was unacceptable.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Bibi,
    When you fear “ma yomru ha’goyim”, the punishment is: they’ll tell you what to do.
    The issue of Har Ha’Bayis was NOT in the peace agreement, so don’t fret. Show some backbone.
    And if they DO abrogate the agreement, well it’ll happen one day anyway. (BTW they have a lot more to lose, ie: water, Israeli intelligence keeping the ‘throne’ secure, etc.).

  2. Regardless of the issue over Jews praying on Har Habayis, Jordan has no control over Jerusalem any more. That ended in June 1967. Time to MYOB.

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