New Rules For NY Drivers Using Hand-Held Phones

textNew York state is imposing tougher penalties on motorists who use hand-held mobile phones while driving.

Beginning Saturday, young and new drivers caught texting or using a cell phone without a hands-free device face a 120-day license suspension. A second offense will lead to a year-long suspension.

More experienced motorists with also face steeper fines for repeat offenses. Currently, drivers found to be using a hand-held phone twice within an 18-month period are fined $200. As of Saturday, the penalty will increase to $250.

The $50 fine for a first offense will remain unchanged.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo says driving habits develop early and the tougher penalties will remind younger drivers that texting while driving is unsafe and unacceptable.


2 Responses

  1. I agree. And the the next law should be for pedestrians. Anyone stepping off the sidewalk and text-ing should be fined. All the text-ing slows down the driving. And now with the lower speed limit?
    It slows down the traffic. No matter if you walk or drive. Stay off the phone if your on the road.

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