Photo Essay: Thursday Night Rally In Boro Park In Support Of Dov Hikind

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11 Responses

  1. What accomplishments over the years! Hikind’s son in law is the youngest head of any department in Maimonides Hospital. What an accomplishment! Connections, connections, connections. Definitely because of son in law’s record. Nothing to do with the Hikind connection.

  2. Azoi.isis

    I don’t know if it’s true, nor am i interested. It doesn’t effect me in any way. Talking about maimonides, they are really corrupt! Talk about hatzalah brass and their families being bribed, employed and contracted through the nose. This does effect our service and our lives.

  3. Are you saying in the above situation w. this candidate and his Maimonides relationship (and Im sure this isnt the only give and take friendship this candidate has), definitely involving a hefty backroom deal, with lot$ of give and take, its Maimonides thats the sole guilty party??????

    Its the modus operandi.

    Favor$ dont come cheap. Nothing big happens for nothing.

    We might not know details, but were sure as heck there was a BIG backroom deal, and thats a BIG deal when someone runs for election.

  4. This man is so full of himself!
    Think back at his choice words of the Gedilim when BP had a sad story to deal with!
    He was rile! Now we seem to forgive and forget! He’ll get re-elected cuz we don’t like change! He’sdone good things like bullet proof vests for IDF and raised awareness for Gush Katif – nice things, but he hasn’t gotten much for our community!
    it seems high time for a replacement! 32 years is a lot! 32 years is even enough!

  5. Those who are voting for Hikind are voting for him whether or not they care that

    1- Hikind has not served as a member of a single committee since elected 3 decades ago.

    2- Hikind did not showing up 47% of the time during the legislative session and

    3- Hikind voted to increase taxes 539 times.

    On Thursday, the campaign of R’ Nachman Caller for the State Assembly demanded that Assemblyman Dov Hikind publicly commits himself to serve as a committee member in the State Assembly, if reelected on Tuesday.

    In a statement on Thursday, Assemblyman Dov Hikind shamelessly claimed that a representative elected by voters in the district would be ineffective in Albany. He, however, did not disclose that he has not served as a member of a single committee since elected 3 decades ago. Not to mention him not showing up 47% of the time during the legislative session and voting to increase taxes 539 times.

    “Assemblyman Hikind did not find it important enough to serve as a member of the housing Committee or any other committee of the State Assembly in order to advocate for the community’s needs,” said State Assembly candidate R’ Nachman Caller. “Had Mr. Hikind taken his job seriously, he could have become chairman of the Housing Committee and solve the housing crisis years ago.”

    “Mr. Hikind must publicly commit himself to serve as a committee member in the State Assembly, in order to be taken seriously on his promises to serve as a representative of the community,” added R’ Nachman Caller. “If I am fortunate enough to earn your vote next Tuesday, you have my pledge: I will serve as an advocate for the community and I will serve as a fighter for important laws that are passed by the Republican-controlled State Senate, and fight for our community’s fair share before the bills come for a floor vote – day in day out.”

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