R’ Nachman Caller to Assemblyman Dov Hikind: Promise To Serve As A Committee Member If Elected

chOn Thursday, the campaign of R’ Nachman Caller for the State Assembly demanded that Assemblyman Dov Hikind publicly commits himself to serve as a committee member in the State Assembly, if reelected on Tuesday.

In a statement on Thursday, Assemblyman Dov Hikind shamelessly claimed that a representative elected by voters in the district would be ineffective in Albany. He, however, did not disclose that he has not served as a member of a single committee since elected 3 decades ago. Not to mention him not showing up 47% of the time during the legislative session and voting to increase taxes 539 times.

“Assemblyman Hikind did not find it important enough to serve as a member of the housing Committee or any other committee of the State Assembly in order to advocate for the community’s needs,” said State Assembly candidate R’ Nachman Caller. “Had Mr. Hikind taken his job seriously, he could have become chairman of the Housing Committee and solve the housing crisis years ago.”

“Mr. Hikind must publicly commit himself to serve as a committee member in the State Assembly, in order to be taken seriously on his promises to serve as a representative of the community,” added R’ Nachman Caller. “If I am fortunate enough to earn your vote next Tuesday, you have my pledge: I will serve as an advocate for the community and I will serve as a fighter for important laws that are passed by the Republican-controlled State Senate, and fight for our community’s fair share before the bills come for a floor vote – day in day out.”

R’ Nachman Caller is running on the Republican Party line and on the ‘Housing and Jobs’ Party line in the 48th Assembly District, which includes the neighborhoods of Borough Park and Midwood.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

13 Responses

  1. Dov was there when he needed to be there ! According to public records he attended over 80% !
    Show me another member that did more than 80% ?
    Callar don’t just bad mouth a man that did so much for us. Stop the dirt and pull out of the race in the name of respect and admission to mistakes. Be a big boy and show is your real self.

  2. R’ Nachman has my vote.
    He is the best advocate for BP & he knows how to get the job done.

  3. I know that Dov spends a lot of time in Israel and in Brooklyn, missing Assembly sessions, but the fact that an Assemblymember can spend all those years in Albany and not serve on a committee is shocking. I wonder if there are others who also are not on committees.

  4. Nachman is an ehrliche yid who is funding his campaign with his own hard earned money. Still waiting for Dov to answer this question “Wha taxpayer money did you give that facilitated the over ONE MILLION DOLLARS in your campaign chest? DO you think we are stupid?

  5. Funny, I saw the same exact article, word for word, on another Jewish news website. Hmm…pretty obvious that this is not news but instead is propaganda from the caller campaign attempting to ruin hikind’s reputation. Not cool, mr caller. Run a campaign based on issues and what you are going to accomplish and leave the mudslinging out of it. It’s not befitting for an erliche yid

  6. And yeshiva world, if you are going to run paid campaign material, please label it as such. Your readership deserves to be honestly informed.

    Moderators Note: Just wondering how come you never submitted this question on all the Hikind articles YWN has been publishing? Please. Get a grip.

  7. I see Mr. Caller in the shul, he is a nice man & no doubt his intentions are great. I believe it’s a situation where they both want that place not for their own Kavod but rather to be able to fight for their people. In my opinion Dov Hikind feats this position better & he used many opportunities to be there for every single yid who reached to him. I am voting for Dov Hikind.

  8. Jut curious here.. Who decides and why does Caller get called ” R'” and Hikind called ” Mr.”???

    Moderators Note: Just for the record, and not taking any sides here, but R’ Nachman caller is a mechaber of numerous seforim. He is a major lamdan. Now, what is your question?

  9. Just wondering. (With all due respect to both candidates.)
    Why is it “R’ Nachman Caller” vs. “Dov Hikind”…
    The candidates should be addressed, either as “Nachman Caller vs. Dov Hikind”. Or, “R. Nachman Caller vs. R. Dov Hikind”.
    Furthermore. The fact that candidate Caller is an author of Halachic seforim does not enhance his qualifications for this particular political office. When we look for a Rosh Kollel, those attributes should be considered. Not as a reason to hold political office.

  10. “The fact that candidate Caller is an author of Halachic seforim does not enhance his qualifications for this particular political office. When we look for a Rosh Kollel, those attributes should be considered. Not as a reason to hold political office”

    True. Btw, does a candidate being investigated many times for crooked financial issues involving big bucks, and favoritism to the wealthy, a consideration?

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