The Terrorist was Employed in the Begin Heritage Center


It has now been learned that the 32-year-old terrorist who attempted to assassinate Har Habayis activist Rabbi Yehuda Glick was an employee of the Begin Heritage Center in Yerushalayim where the attempted murder occurred.

The terrorist, Mutaz Hijazi YS”VZ, who spend 11 years in Israeli prison, was shot dead when resisting arrest on Thursday morning when a Yomam commando force arrived in the eastern area of the capital.

Glick early Thursday afternoon is listed in very serious/stable condition in Shaare Zedek Medical Center. He was shot three times at point blank range by Hijazi. Investigators are now reporting that he was a chef in the center’s restaurant. Glick was in the center attending an event dealing with Har Habayis.

Eyewitness reports confirm that prior to opening fire, Hijazi said “Yehuda, I am sorry but I have to do this”.

An Israel Police official relates to the attempted murder (English):

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. I recently ate there and clearly remember him. sick! that a terrorist like this slips into a restaurant to work. what system is in place to screen them?

  2. Every mehadrin restaurant, Charedi hotel and super sols in frum neighborhoods are stocked to the nines with ARAB workers.

    Enough is enough!

  3. I feel like I am knocking my head against a brick wall when I say this, but THERE ARE PLENTY OF YIDDEN WHO NEED A JOB AND CAN COOK FOR A JEWISH CENTER OR SCHOOL. THERE ARE PLENTY OF YIDDEN WHO WOULD BE SO GRATEFUL FOR A JANITORIAL JOB OR A SCHLEPPING JOB OR CAN DO MAGNIFICENT REPAIR WORK!!!! STOP HIRING GOOD-FOR-NOTHING ARABS. LEARN FROM THE EXAMPLE IN BAT AYIN. To top it off, I really don’t get it. Was anyone hiding access to this guys decade-long prison record? How on Earth was he hired?!?!?! And while we are at it, these actions, and all the others going down recently, are declarations of war indisputably. It is therefore totally legal and justifiable (who cares about world opinion anyway) to barricade these Arab neighborhoods. Shuafat, Silwan, etc etc, all over. nobody goes in, nobody goes out. THE END. Check-point Charlie as it must be.

  4. Bklymom,

    I don’t like your attitude…if you are so concerned about Arabs working in restaurants in Israel, why don’t you move there and get one of those low paying jobs that no Jew would work for?
    I suppose the Soda-Stream and the Levy supermarket in Efrat would not consider hiring an Arab???
    The worst thing, and what I complain about your attitude, is that you are generalizing. Really, even about Arabs we should not generalize but certainly this prejudicial attitude should not apply to groups of fellow Jews.

    On a different point,not directed at the woman from Brooklyn, it is possible that the attempted assassination, was an act of coercion, which could explain why he apologized for attempting it.
    Sometimes, people’s family members are threatened. Especially common,I have read, is to threaten the chastity of an unmarried female family member..who knows how many terror attacks take place because of this. However, with this attempted assassin, because of his previous record, this is probably not very likely.

  5. tirtza, make all the excuses you want, but a very significant percent of Muslims are radicalized and they dominate their culture. There were cases of Arabs working for Jews for many years and one day they stab the Jewish boss to death. When you can distinguish the good from the bad (good luck with that), then we should hire them, nt before. Too many widows and orphans have been created already.

    Bklymom was stating a fact and it is 100% accurate. I guess being factual constitutes a bad attitude in today’s day and age.

    Bklymom, you shouldn’t be confusing people with the truth. They prefer to live in a deluded world. Only, they should put themselves at risk, not demand it of others.

  6. Barry,
    I agree about the radicalization of Arabs and Muslims, which has been going on for a long time in Israel(and is starting in the USA, as well) and, was probably an inherent part of their(and in the past,commonly, in also Christian’s) faith. However, I stated another fact, that some terrorists are also victims of extortion. I’m not sure what kind of person submits to extortion and maybe(probably) that is only a minority of the cases.
    However, even if what she stated was a “fact” it still is picking on just one group of people…are there no cases of non-observant Jews or nationalistic Jews who hire Arab workers(I believe I stated several cases). Indeed
    ,in this case… are the management of Begin Heritage Center hareidim?
    Chaval for the sinas looks like it’s back in full force…Chaval, I thought we had passed that after the death of the teens..Let’s all try a little harder not to be hateful and judgmental… OK?

  7. It’s the tirtzas of the world that gets us into all these situations. This apologist attitude portrays as weak and afraid. We are not.

    I was at the Begin Center recently & I saw 2 Arab chefs emerge from the kitchen. I felt very uncomfortable seeing them there & at the time I had no idea why. Was one this animal? Probably, sure looks like him. Was I somewhat fanciful? Could be.

  8. To the bubby,

    In case you missed my main point…it was mainly against a Jew generalizing about a Jewish group. The point about the Arabs was secondary…I feel that American Jews should put their money where their mouth is and move to Eretz Yisrael…that will really mess with the plans of all the Obamas, Jew haters, Arabs, and, yes, the “apologists,” which I am not…I guess anyone that doesn’t just automatically smear everyone who is not a National Religious activist, has to be an “apologist.”
    The “tirtzas” of this world have 4 children who served in the IDF…how many have you???

  9. Tirtza,

    Are u aware of the calls from Rabbanim. In Bnei Brak & Yerushalayim to stop hiring ARABS?

    There are the petty thief ARABS who steal from shul’s & mikvahs, there are the ARAB workers who purposely destroy & wreck plumbing/electric in construction, there are ARAB drivers who aim at soldiers & pedestrians waiting on streets, stab & throw rocks….PLS explain who u r defending & WHY????

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