Hikind To Cuomo: Education Investment Tax Credits Must Happen This Year


NYS Governor Andrew Cuomo addressed a large crowd at Bais Yaakov in Borough Park on Wednesday night. Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) was asked to speak as well and he took the occasion to praise the Governor profusely for all of his past accomplishments. “There’s still one job left to do,” said Assemblyman Hikind as he publicly called on Governor Cuomo to make Education Investment Tax Credits a personal issue.

“Our parents are literally struggling to send their children to yeshivas,” said Hikind. “They do this because our community values education above all else. But our parents need relief. Too many of our families are struggling just to put food on the table and yet their largest expense is educating their children and ensuring their futures.

“By making Education Investment Tax Credits a reality, we will positively impact every single family in our community. This is our number one priority. The time for tuition relief for our families is now.”

Following Assemblyman’s words, Governor Cuomo not only agreed with Assemblyman Hikind, he called Hikind “his hero” and expressed how Hikind’s leadership had helped the community. He then stated that Education Investment Credits were a matter of justice. This was followed with a standing ovation.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. Why only when there is an election? Not that he is running, his cronies need his backing and without election rhetoric his name is just meaningless for endorsement.

  2. Cuomo IS the reason why education tax credit didnt pass this past year even though it was an election, u expect us to believe hell do anything AFTER getting elected. No sane frum person (that is not a apparatchik) should vote for this anti-frum person, who is a Zionist.

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