NY Voters to Decide on Digital Legislation

voteIf New York voters approve proposition No. 2 on the ballot next week, their 213 legislators will join the digital age. Their desks in the ornate chambers of the Capitol will have computers instead of thick stacks of bills they’re supposed to read.

Other states have already made such efforts, but New York’s change has required a number of hurdles because the state constitution requires bills to be printed and “upon the desks” of lawmakers for three days before they can be passed.

The three-day “aging” period will still exist.

The change is expected to save millions of dollars in printing and many trees. But there are concerns, including ensuring nobody is posting on Facebook or playing digital poker when they’re supposed to be making laws.


3 Responses

  1. The next question will be, that if that’s the case, why do we need a legislature at all? Let the people vote on each bill.

  2. The next step is to allow people to vote at any voting station in the city. If were going digital then all you should need is a username and password.

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