FM Lieberman Calls on Arab MKs to Make Good on Their Threat

liebForeign Minister Avigdor Lieberman on Monday 3 Marcheshvan called on Arab MKs to make good on their threat to leave the Knesset. The foreign minister was referring to statements made by Balad party faction members in response to the Knesset Ethics Committee deciding to distance MK Hanin Zoabi of Balad from the plenum for six months. Balad officials released a statement “The day is not far off when we will break from the Israeli political scene entirely in response to the constant discrimination against us”. Lieberman encourages them to do so immediately.

“I respect the threat made by Arab MKs and encourage them to act on it as soon as possible” were his words, as Lieberman made no attempt to hide his disdain for the Arab lawmakers.

In a related matter, Lieberman instructed MK Alex Miller to advance a bill that would declare the Northern Branch of the Israel Islamic Movement illegal, which he explains is in line with recent terror alerts and concerns over the mounting Islamic extremism found in that organization. The foreign Minister warns the Northern Branch enjoys legal status which it takes of advantage of towards pushing its extremist anti-Israel agenda. Lieberman warns the Northern Branch maintains close ties with Hamas and is working to incite Israeli Arabs to join their cause.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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