Chareidim & Secularists Battle Over Control of Arad’s Shuvu School Building

classrThe ongoing machlokes between the chareidi and non-chareidi community in a Ramat Beit Shemesh school is no longer the only venue where such a dispute is taking place. According to parents of non-religious pupils of the Shuvu School in Arad, the chareidim broke through an internal fence that separates the schools in an effort to gain control of the entire building. That act has resulted in a harsh and stern response from the parents of the non-religious pupils. The parents claim that earlier this week, four girls on the secular side of the building were physically assaulted and while they do not wish to be like Beit Shemesh, they have come to the realization that they must fight back.

The school was closed last year due to a lack of secular students. It was then reopened and divided between chassidim and the secular students. During the afternoon hours, the secular students received hot meals and assistance with their classwork and homework from Sheirut Leumi volunteers. The students are busy in school until their parents return from work. Until Sukkos this was all done in one shared building but during Sukkos the city refurbished a building for the secular students. The grand opening of the refurbished wing was to be held on Monday 3 Marcheshvan.

Yediot Achronot reports the chassidim broke into the newly refurbished area and declared they now control it as well. The four Sheirut Leumi girls present preparing for the opening ceremony were assaulted and instructed to leave. “They were pushed outside and shouts ‘you are not Jews’ were directed at them”.

Resident Anita Rosenbaum explained to the media the girls were traumatized and some indicted they do not plan to return. The secular parents returned that night to confront the chassidim and police were eventually called in to disperse all involved. A court order was issued on Monday night the eve of 4 Marcheshvan prohibiting any of the sides from entering the school until the next court hearing, which is set for Tuesday 4 Marcheshvan.

Arad City Hall officials explain a fence was constructed inside the building to divide it as both schools have their own side of the building and yard for their students.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. im sorry but this is sick

    we have 2 pieces of gemara against these “hassidim”

    “kol haposel b’mumo posel”

    “bnei yisrael rachmanim, bayshanim, v’gomlei chassadim”

  2. THIS ARTICLE DOESN’T MAKE SENSE!Shuvu schools are not secular schools!SHUVU runs religious schools mainly for children from the former soviet union -obviously not from religious backgrounds but they are religious schools with also excellent secular studies and the network is heavily funded by the charedi olam in the U,S, and elsewhere.

  3. Shuvu schools have a diverse student body yet that is not what the article is about.
    From this post it is evident that they share a building.

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