A Single New Address for Selling Businesses, Venture Capital and Investments

unnamedThe Business Brokerage and Investments Center (BBI), a division of Parnassah Network, is on a roll, earning its place as the global Orthodox community’s address for business sales, venture capital, partnerships and investment opportunity.

BBI builds upon the vast network of businesses, entrepreneurs and communities that have come together under the Parnassah Network umbrella in recent years. “Every day, people turn to Parnassah Network to help them find the right job or business,” says founder and director Reb Duvi Honig. “Our mission is to answer the call in the most professional and effective way possible.”

Parnassah Network has earned renown in recent years for helping myriad businesses launch, grow and change hands through various services and resources. At its 2014 Parnassah Expo, the famous “Accelerator” investors panel helped steer $1 million in capital to help propel several promising businesses to the next level.

The BBI Center is poised to take these efforts to the next level, and fill a real and growing need within the business community, as the contemporary business world is constantly in flux. New skills are needed in each industry. Business veterans are looking to retire from a venture, but have difficulty finding the right person to take over the reins. Injection of capital is often needed to keep a business afloat, or take it to the next level. Ambitious young entrepreneurs are eager to put their skills to work and succeed, but don’t have the right resources to access and cultivate the business of their dreams.

A key member of the Business Brokerage and Investments Center’s team is the world’s leading business brokerage guru, Ed Pendarvis. Mr. Pendarvis founded Sunbelt, the world’s largest business brokerage firm, and is on the board of the International Business Brokerage Association (IBBA). He will play a leading long-term role in BBI’s operations and training. Mr. Pendarvis is scheduled to personally deliver a training session to newly joined brokers in mid-November.

The BBI Center’s roster of businesses, entrepreneurs and capital listings is growing at a solid pace. Individuals and businesses looking to take advantage of BBI services are welcome to contact the Center. In addition, BBI is accepting 4-5 new qualified applicants to join the brokerage team.

B’ezras Hashem,” says Reb Duvi, “the Center’s resources are very impressive and we look forward to making them work on behalf of our community every day.”

To list your business/invest or to join our team of brokers please visit www.pnbizbrokerage.com or email investments@parnassahnetwork.com.


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