R’ Nachman Caller: The Tide Has Turned; Don’t Give Up Hope For Despair

callerThe issue-oriented campaign, especially the detailed plan to build 2,000 housing units in the district, has surprised many outside observers, but has also come as a breath of fresh air to members of our community, the campaign of R’ Nachman Caller for State Assembly stated on Monday.

The ‘My plan’ booklet that was distributed in the district over the past few week, has first and foremost brought awareness to a crisis that existed for years but was never coherently addressed . The plan contains an illustration that shows how one of the areas of focus consists of five to six full square blocks covering the railroad that is located on 61st and 62nd Streets, running between 8th and 13th Avenues. The area covered by the railroad is controlled by the MTA. Under the plan, the community would purchase the air rights above the railroad and build platforms to hold the newly constructed buildings.

Over the past few days several members of our community have pushed back against the plan, essentially suggesting giving up hope and throwing in the towel on the possibility of building significant new housing in Borough Park and Midwood. Their statements are equivalent to the statement, “We are unable to go up against the people, for they are stronger than we” (Parshes Shelach). Moreover, their statements are the result of their not understanding the housing proposals set forth in “My Plan.”

But voters are smarter and more receptive to the message of change; the movement that has begun will not surrender to the cynical arguments of the past. The stale political arguments that have consumed us for so long no longer apply.

“Our plan to build more housing in the community is realistic and doable. Our plan will bring relief to our community and create more jobs that is so needed in our community,” said State Assembly candidate R’ Nachman Caller. “With determination and devotion, along with the support of voters in our community, I am confident that we will overcome the cynics, defy the skeptics and deliver our community their fair share of housing and jobs.”

Download ‘My Plan’ at http://caller2014.com

R’ Nachman Caller is running on the Republican Party line and on the ‘Housing and Jobs’ Party line in the 48th Assembly District, which includes the neighborhoods of Borough Park and Midwood

(YWN Desk – NYC)

20 Responses

  1. Dov Hikind has a proven record for standing up for the Jewish community. Caller has always been involved in making huge amounts of money for himself. He is after Power, not to help the community.

  2. Besides Mr. Caller, who else has determined that there is a housing “crisis”? Besides Mr. Caller who else has determined the best plan of action is to increase an already densely populated area with even more housing.

  3. “A. I am running on the ‘Housing and Jobs’ Party line, with the hope of bringing awareness to the two most important issues that our community is currently facing. Housing and jobs – a house where to live and a respectful job to feed our families – are the two most important issues on the agenda.”

    Perhaps he should start out by tackling the fact that those who would live in the neighborhood can not afford to open a business to support themselves in the neighborhood they wish to live. Recent trends have shown that only cash rich businesses such as banks are able to afford the rents along the popular shopping corridors.

    “In our community, the problem starts with the lack of English speaking skills.These are needs that an Assemblyman can advocate for and deliver in getting funding for such kind of programs.”

    Nu, so teach English to elementary school kids, the state already funds the textbooks, and it wont be a problem when they are ready for the job market.

  4. Hmmm. Any polls to back up the claim?
    Wow, what’s does this guru plan to do about the Shidduch Crises? I’m starting to think, that not only is he running for Assembly, he should run for Mashiach. He’s got all the answers to all problems. Simply amazing.

  5. Hikind is very desperate right now. Nachman Caller is getting alot of votes as far as I know. Just reading these comments, aint gona make me change my mind.
    Nachman Caller is a real accomplished individual thats ready to help anyone. He will be a wonderful advocate for our community.

  6. And if he succeeds, do we want multi-unit dwellings to be built all over Flatbush? Do we want Flatbush to look like Boro Park? Do we want traffic and and absolutely no parking ever??

    I can also guarantee that none of this housing would be built on either his, or his son’s blocks…

  7. Nowhere in this ad does it say that the housing will be affordable. So as far as we know he just wants to help make some developer richer. I don’t see how that helps the community. I don’t understand how someone can run for office on such an asinine platform.

  8. “such an asinine platform.”

    Like the one his housing will be built on.

    How does he guarantee this housing will go to help “our community”?

  9. Was wondering, (might as well give a heads up before its too late). If has a clean record, or hasn’t and might get you on the losing side of a deal.
    with someone thinking of a such a plan, where does he get the money? (even if with the banks, city, state, etc. giving some funding, they will NOT cover) obviously his record has to be checked first!!

  10. I no longer live in the district so I cant vote, however, If I could, Dov Hikind would get my vote. I hope people are smart enough not to vote for the other guy.

  11. To all skeptics out there, why would Nachman Caller spend
    his OWN MONEY, if he didn’t think his plans had a chance.

    This is a genuine person who has seen his plan being
    built right now in Manhattan. His children are successful
    in their own right. This is a democratic country, if you work hard you can also be successful. The equation is
    simple. More housing = More People = More Jobs.
    Let’s be Positive.

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