Hikind Asks Sanitation Dept. To Cease Garbage Collection Between 7:30AM And 9:30AM In Boro Park

nycg.jpgAssemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) met with 70 individuals representing every yeshiva in Boro Park to address the issue of sanitation pick-ups impeding school buses in the morning. Hikind is asking the NYC Department of Sanitation to modify its sanitation pick-ups and cease collections in Boro Park between the hours of 7:30 am and 9:30 am. The current pick-up schedule is wreaking havoc for not only residents and commuters, but also for children and yeshivas as school buses frequently find themselves trapped behind slow-moving garbage trucks during school transportation hours.

“Since this school year began, I have received numerous complaints about this situation,” said Hikind. “Baruch Hashem, we have numerous yeshivas and thousands of students who utilize bus transportation every morning; we have more school buses than any other area in the city. Having these children stay on buses far longer than necessary is unfair and unhealthy. Having them walk in late to school is improper. Our government agencies must be there to accommodate our community.”

Assemblyman Hikind also pointed out that the sanitation drivers and workers would be better served doing their pick-ups during less congested hours.

“There was a pilot program in effect the last few years where certain streets had delayed pick up, allowing school buses clear access to children, quicker routes to schools, and typical morning traffic to flow smoothly. A new sanitation pick-up schedule is in everyone’s best interests.”

Assemblyman Hikind will be meeting with the Sanitation Department to make certain that sanitation pick-ups are delayed. “It’s the fair thing and the right thing for our children and our parents,” said Hikind. “I am determined to make this happen.”

(YWN Desk – NYC)

17 Responses

  1. Hikind is desperate! & he knows it!
    The G/Truck issue is going on for over 20 years. No politician in BP was ever able to cease or change those times. Hikind is the only one that never even tried. Now, before the elections, hes trying?
    I think he could use another vacation,

  2. Now he’s stepping on the sanitation union’s toes.

    Isn’t this a CITY issue and NOT a state issue. He’s running for STATE ASSEMBLY so this isn’t his gesheft!!


  3. To #1, this is not the first time Hikind has addressed this issue. As pointed out in the article, there are several streets in BP that are already successfully off limits to garbage trucks during school-bus-rush-hour.

    To #2, this is an issue of concern to his constituents, and he has successfully assisted with it in the past, and is contintuing to do so once again.

    I’m not saying any of this to defend him in the election. Only to give credit where credit is due. Sanitation has worked this out to his credit in the past, and it has made a very big difference during that hectic morning rush hour.

    I live on a street with multiple schools and apartment buildings just outside of BP, so our street was not included in the aforementioned streets. However, our regular garbage collectors make every effort to do the pickups at 7, so they’re gone long before even the earliest of schoolbuses. When the “regulars” are not on, others are not as conscientous about their scheduling, and really snarl up the morning traffic!

  4. To #1 & #2 I’m not writing this to defend Mr. Hinkind I’m writing it to defend the fact that you both don’t obviously don’t know the facts. It is not the first time Mr. Hikind is trying to bring up this issue. He has tried this before but obviously who ever tried dose not have much success. And even if they do it is very short lived. Because the local sanitation garages even though they have their own bosses so to speak they all have higher ups, they have to answer to bosses that don’t know our neighborhoods and don’t care much. Besides the sanitation workers are union workers and are very firm when it come to time and pay. So it is not easy to get them to come and go when you please.
    And by the way, anyone else noticed? in the last few months they started picking up garbage on certain blocks in the mid fifty streets and lower avenues in Poro Park after 6-7 AM instead of after 8 I’m just wondering if they take their break at 8? or keep on going.
    Since you mention he has no G’sheft since he is from the state. By the way. I three years ago I drove down 48th street every morning to carpool children to school. And at least once a week if not twice there was a garbage truck on 48 street between 13th and 14th Avenue. And when he was done there, instead of letting cars drive by, they started the next block. I don’t know if you ever had to take a child to school by car every morning and had to go a certain way? and why shouldn’t Mr. Hikind open his mouth and complain if he could? his office is on that block he could see the honking and traffic first hand. He is a Brooklyn resident and an american citizen.

    On the other hand, I don’t disagree with those bringing up about politicians making a lot of noise just right before an election. This issue is going on for years.
    I like how they come up with all the news report about how they are complaining about this and that. But no one ever follows up to see what ever happened. No results. He’s not the only one. And by the way, When it comes to sticking up and opening a mouth for the community Mr. Hikind is not shy about it.

  5. #3-
    Your totally off base!
    You reside outside BP & so does Hikind
    The situation in BP relating to the G/truck issue is a disaster & even worse.
    The traffic that goes on in the mornings because of this is a nightmare. There was a very young girl who lost her life while walking to school on 18th Ave & 47 because a G/truck was backing up & hit her.
    So dont start sticking up for a situation which Hikind never bothered himself to deal with. Hikind & Yourself dont live in the BP community & dont deal with the Traffic every morning relating to Garbage trucks.

    It’s time for change already.
    We need Nachman Caller who proved himself as a concerned member of his community. & who lives in the community he works in.

  6. Please stop bashing a true caring fellow Yid who accomplished far more than one can imagine. He is a genuine steadfast voice that should be applauded and appreciated by all of us! I see firsthand the issue and complained recently to many politicians and NO one besides Hikind took action now. Nobody cares what was attempted to be done previously – we care what takes place on the actual ground now. And we hope that Dov will prove once again that he can do the impossible as always! GO DOV!!!

  7. step Aside, Please provide details, where did caller prove himself as concerned? Politics doesn’t matter to me. Actual facts do. Hikind has a record, caller (rookie politician) has none (to my knowledge).

    Please enlighten me PLEASE.

  8. Hikind deserves a press conference in front of Amnon’s Pizza for this. Hopefully NY1 picks up the story and gets a microphone and camera in front of Dov.

  9. Hikind should adress the problem of school busses making numerous stops on a signle block and the massive amounts of garbage produced in overcrowded Boro Park. The need for full size busses and the fact that 3&4 year olds ride on these busses without child seats or even seat belts should also be addressed by the Assemblyman.

  10. Dov Hikind is there for us and has been for many years. Now a newcomer is crawling out from under his rock and thinks he can promise the world. Be smart people.

  11. To No. 14.

    You speak emes. The traffic congestion caused by trash collection is much worse in Willy than BP. It will get much better once Brooklyn is required to move towards recycling early in 2015 because then there will be separate trucks for regular trash and recyclable materials so the garbage trucks will have less to pick up. Also, they should fine those families that produce a gazillion pounds of garbage and don’t put it out in heavy duty trash bags so it ends up on the street. The kids would be safer walking to school than driving anyway and it would be faster.

  12. To #12 – take a closer look at the photo accompanying the article. A garbage truck ANd a sweeper at the same time – while a car is parked! Chances are the car is parked illegally. Or maybe the driver of the car doesn’t care about the rules and laws because BP is a lawless shtetl!

    Solutions – 1) have the kids ride to school ON the garbage trucks, 2)have the kids bring the garbage to school so the trucks only have to make stops at the yeshivas to collect the garbage at the same time they drop off the kids (see #1). 3) Everyone bring their garbage to Reb Dov’s house in Flatbush. If you like these ideas I will run for office against Reb Dov. Nachman Caller? Why not? There should be term limits so Reb Dov can get a real job.

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