In an editorial in the Sunday 2 Marcheshvan edition, assistant editor Yeshayahu Wein writes in HaPeles that the party may run independent of Degel Hatorah in the next Knesset elections. The party, which follows HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach Shlita was going to run independently in the last Knesset elections but at the last moment decided to permit Yahadut Hatorah to run unopposed.
Wein however explains that in the next election they may run on their own slate as they did in the Jerusalem elections, earning a seat on the city council.
Yahadut Hatorah is a combination of the litvish Degel Hatorah party and the chassidish Agudas Yisrael party. The two do not see eye-to-eye on most matters but decided on the shidduch which has resulted in at least one additional seat in Knesset.
(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)
12 Responses
Insane!Completely Insane!
1.The chance of Eitz garnering 4 Knesset seats (the minimum threshold acc. to the latest rules) is about as good as my winning of the lotto.
2.Whatever merits there are to Eitz’s adolescent urge to show “independence”,or “Stick it to the old Bnei Brak guard”,is it really worth it to bring down everything with you (cf.kamtza and Bar kamtza)?
Plus,what in Yahadus are you going to stand for
when your prime issue (giyus)is won?
3.The fingerprints of shaba”k (GSS;Israeli “internal Security Service”) are all over this.
The thrust of their policy is “divide and conquer”as it always has been.
(They pay israeli charedim up to $3,000/mo. to inform or work for their goals.They may well be one of your neighbors.
Amnon Yitzchak’s attempted party in 2013 was another classic case.)
I think it’s time to change this pitiful pic of HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach !
This group that dares to call itself “benai Torah” while choosing to go against all of the other Litvish great Rabbis and choose to fight instead of “kod darcheha, darchen noam” should not be called “benai Torah” but rather “benai Toilet”
they have my vote
This would certainly be bad news both in terms of achdus and politically.
Talmidei Chachomim Marbim Shalom!!!
Not likely. A split in Degel ha-Torah would mean the Ashkenazi hareidim would go from six or seven seats to perhaps zero, since the new minimum basically requires four seats. If a party falls under the minimum, their votes are not counted in awarding seats. A decline in support for the hareidi parties will be interpreted by the hilonim majority as an indication that the hareidim “on the street” no longer support their rabbanim, and in fact are anxious to escape the yeshiva world and serve in the IDF.
I thought suicide was assur ? This is officially the decline of yiddishkeit and the beginning of the birthpangs of Mosiach. First it was Shas, now it’s UTJ.
This is just a political power play. Bnei Torah is not getting into the Knesset (and they know it) nor are they going to destroy UTJ. They do, however, have the potential to burn a significant number of votes that would otherwise have gone to UTJ – perhaps enough to cost UTJ 1-2 seats in the next Knesset. They will be using this threat to attempt to squeeze some concessions from harav Shteinman and harav Kanievsky. Time will tell, but I doubt that they will get much.
#3- I’m no fan myself but ‘benai Toilet’ – really?
Folks, with all due respect, the issue is representing the Torah view. If Rabbi Aurbach feels that the Torah is ot being represented and that the bnei Torah need a party to represent them, then political expediency is irrelevant. Its a non-issue. Suggest a frum person vote Meretz because it happens to work in their favor; its not happening.
And you never know… Lots of people resonate with Rabbi Aurbach’s message, lots more than you would expect. (I have asked around)
#10 Everyone respects HaRav Shmuel Auerbach,but that is hardly the scope of the issue
If someone of his stature wishes to lead the jewish people ,more power to him.
But if you vocally claim you little interest in leading,but then (are cajoled by interested parties) come out every once in a while to throw a monkey wrench into the best intended long developed planning..
A manhig must be involved in every facet of the klal all night and day
First I’m appalled that YWN would post some of these comments as you should know better. Second regarding the commentators themselves I don’t think any of you would talk this way about Reb Chaim Kanievsky and if you would know anything about Reb Shmuel you wouldn’t either. Do your homework first because although Reb Shmuel didn’t “make it” like Reb Chaim and Rav Shteineman he is on equal footing with them. Just ask any of the real Gedolim in Eretz Yisroel.