Shuvu Joins the World Wide Shabbos Project

CaptureThe Shuvu network of Schools will participate in the international Shabbos Parshas Noach project.
The Shuvu Girls high school in Petach Tikva will “be keeping it” together with the Girls Torah Academy
In Johannesburg!

This will be a pilot program running in 4 Shuvu locations reaching some 600 students and family members.
The plan will be that after a iy”h successful Shabbos, it will be implemented next year in ALL shuvu schools
with the potential of reaching tens of thousands Shuvu students and their families….

4 Shuvu Schools will participate in The Shabbos Project this year, in 5 locations:

1) Shuvu Hadera – 100 participants

2) Shuvu Rishon Letzion – 200 participants

3) Shuvu Hod Hasharon – 250 participants (100 in Hod Hasharon and 100 in Kfar Saba)

4) Shuvu Petach Tikva Girls High School – 50 participants

We thus expect 600 Shuvu students and family members to participate in The Shabbos Project!

The project at each location will include Hafrashas Challah on Thursday night, Friday Night Seudah, Shalosh Seudas, and a musical Havdalah/Melava Malka.

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