R’ Nachman Caller: Education Tax Credit Was Within Arm’s Reach and Will Pass Once I Get Elected

callerOn Thursday, the campaign of R’ Nachman Caller for State Assembly welcomed Assemblyman Dov Hikind’s promise to fight in Albany for the Education Investment Tax Credit, after he admitted nothing has been done over the past 3 decades to solve the tuition crisis.

Most recently, a push to pass the Education tax credit in the 2014 legislative session was stopped by the majority leadership in the State Assembly. Assemblyman Hikind, as a senior member of the Democratic leadership, bears the responsibility for not delivering the relief in this year’s budget and during the legislative session. While obtaining a leadership role in the Assembly, he seemed not to have had the ability to influence legislation that is so important to our community.

Thanks to State Senator Simcha Felder (D-Brooklyn), Chair of the New York City Education Subcommittee, and Senator Martin Golden (R-C-I, Brooklyn), a joint-sponsored legislation which would create an education investment tax credit in New York State, instead of waiting for the Blaine amendment to be repealed, was introduced to the State Senate.

“Republican Caucus Members in the State Senate supported the Education Investment Tax Credit (EITC) bill from the very first moment. And as an Assemblyman in Albany, I will work with my Republican colleagues to pass the legislation in both Legislatures,” said State Assembly candidate R’ Nachman Caller. “There is no justification for it not to have passed this year. As our community’s representative, Mr. Hikind ignored the needs of our community parents, who are struggling with high tuition costs, until the end of the current election cycle.”

“Mr. Hikind, you had your chance, you had your moment, and you have not led. Now is our time.”

“I will fight for Education tax benefits that would ease tuition costs; for more housing and jobs, and for our community’s fair share in obtaining government resources,” he added. “These are not impossible tasks. They were not impossible until now, and they will become a reality once I serve as a representative of our community.”

R’ Nachman Caller is running on the Republican Party line and on the ‘Housing and Jobs’ Party line in the 48th Assembly District, which includes the neighborhoods of Borough Park and Midwood.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

10 Responses

  1. Just a simple Question how exactly will he pass the bill with his Republican Colleges when they have a clear minority and have not had a chance to pass a single thing in years? if Mr caller really wanted to effect change on this issue and many others he would stay where he is and use the resources he has to help get things done by the people that can get them done in an assembly controlled by the Democratic party

  2. To CB 12:
    Because the Assembly is controlled by Shelly Silver & he is beholden to the corrupt Unions who will never allow tax credits/school vouchers or housing for the “Frum”.

  3. “what are you planning to do to have a fully staffed NYS Kosher enforcement again? ”

    He probably is waiting until some frum Jew, somewhere, anywhere, tells him that he would rely on the NYS kosher enforcement agency for kashrut supervision. There was probably not a bigger waste of money in Albany and that is saying something.

  4. “beholden to the corrupt Unions”

    Most Catholic schools — which far outnumber Jewish schools — are unionized. They should be our allies, although they never will be as long as nonsense like this continues to be spouted in forums like this and as long as Jewish schools refuse to allow unions.

    “in an assembly controlled by the Democratic party”

    In 1967 there was a serious attempt to repeal the Blaine Amendment. A State Constitutional Convention controlled by Democrats approved it. Unfortunately Gov. Rockefeller only gave it lukewarm support and the rest of the state Republican Party openly opposed it, and it only got 28% support in a referendum.

    In 1971 a voucher system was enacted by an overwhelmingly Democratic Maryland legislature (Maryland does not have a Blaine Amendment) and signed by Gov. Mandel (a Jewish Democrat). Unfortunately voters rejected it 55% to 45%. That is about as well as any voucher program has ever done in any referendum anywhere in America; we need to build new coalitions and can the bashing of public schools, unions, and liberals. The Republicans use this issue as a wedge but they are incapable of delivering.

  5. “instead of waiting for the Blaine amendment to be repealed”

    This would probably been seen by the courts as an impermissible end run around the Blaine Amendment. And in any case you’d have to replace the tax money from somewhere else.

  6. Nachman Caller has done so much for his & other communities.
    He really knows how to get things done.
    Vote for Nachman means voting for a serious advocate.
    Enouph with all the talk,talk & talk.
    Enouph with all the Vacations.
    We need Nachman Caller!

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