State Assembly Candidate R’ Nachman Caller Releases Housing Plan Aimed At Solving Housing Crisis and Improving Job Environment in the 48th Assembly District

2014-10-12 16.28.38Last week, the campaign of R’ Nachman Caller for State Assembly released a comprehensive 16-page plan to solve the housing crisis in our community. The plan, distributed over the district, as well as in a Erev Yom Tov newspaper, was created after researching many city and state agencies’ programs, with the input of individual real estate developers and community leaders.

The proposal would bring in an era of new developments and provide more job opportunities in our community.

Download the plan at

“My promise to the residents of the district is: If you elect me on November 4th, I will fight as hard as I possibly can to tackle the housing crisis as hard as I have fought against the casinos being built close to our communities in the Catskills, and with the same dedication I have shown over the past 30 years working on housing development throughout our community,” said Assembly candidate R’ Nachman Caller.

R’ Nachman Caller is running on the Republican Party line and on the ‘Housing and Jobs’ Party line in the 48th Assembly District, which includes the neighborhoods of Borough Park and Midwood

8 Responses

  1. Even though he says he has a plan in the heart of BP. I don’t how it is possible, unless if he find a sizable amount of property to build a housing development, those apartments will be tiny and rent would not be so low.

  2. Vote for Nachman!
    He deserves every vote.
    That district needs a serious politician & not someone who is always in vacation.

  3. Does he have any plans to create jobs so people can PAY for the housing? Why does he feel he has to push the issue that he is “heimish” and Hikin is MO?

  4. I am not impressed with frum people in politics. They are supposed to represent all people, not just us, and sometimes it sounds like they will represent only us, much to the consternation of the non-Jews. I flipped through the newspaper Caller’s campaign put out. I’m more than just a little skeptical at his ability to actually get this done. Where is the money really going to come from? And if it’s affordable housing, it will need to be open to everyone, which means the nature of the neighborhood could change.

  5. To yudel:
    I hate to break it to you but Caller is running for Assembly not Senate unless he’s going after Felder as well.

    To just me:

    You hit it on the head. I’ll tell you why all this campaigning may not help Caller in the end. He is appealing to the “Heimisha” community of Boro Park (he knows Flatbush is solidly in Hikinds corner). The people in Boro Park DON’T VOTE! 0.000002 percent of eligable in that community vote! Its a total joke! “We don’t want to be called for Jury Duty”, “we work off the books & we are afraid”, “our house is in my wifes maiden name”, “its not Tznius for a woman to vote”, “my van is in my shvers name” and other total nonsense! Good luck.

  6. Caller is a big real estate lawyer. He developed condos in W illiamsburg that brought the hipsters in. If you use government funds for housing, you have to have it open to all races and religions. I think we should leave Boro Park alone. Don’t mess with it.

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