THE FINAL LIST: Some Rabbonim Withdraw from Jerusalem Chief Rabbinate Race


With a day to go before the election on Tuesday 27 Tishrei some of the candidates announced they are withdrawing from the race, aware they do not have any chance of being elected.

Rabbi Mordechai Entebbe announced he is pulling out of the race. His decision also permits his Yael Entebbe, a member of the 48-person voting body, to participate in the vote. Chief Rabbi of Elad Rabbi Mordechai Malka also withdrew his name from the race, realizing he does not have a realistic chance of being elected. Rav Malka visited the home of HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita to inform the gadol hador of his decision. The visit followed statements during recent days that he would not pull out of the race because Rav Kanievsky instructed him to remain in the running.

Rabbi Eliyahu David Rosenthal, who was a candidate in the race to become the next Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi of Yerushalayim, also pulled his name from the ballot.

The remaining candidates as follows:

Sephardi Chief Rabbi race:

Rabbi Chaim Amsellem

Rabbi Menashe Malka

Rabbi Shlomo Amar

Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu

Rabbi Yehuda Chaik

Rabbi Yehuda Deri

Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi race:

Rabbi Eliyahu Schlesinger

Rabbi Aryeh Stern

Rabbi Yehoshua Zend

Rabbi Yaakov Shapira

Rabbi Moshe Chaim Lau

The election will take place on Tuesday 27 Tishrei between 16:00-19:00. There are 48 eligible voters in the election body.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. @kehath – when you have been granted, by HaShem, the z’chus of being a manhig Yisroel, then you can pass judgement as to motives.

  2. This is not about Kavod….kehath64.

    There is much at stake in the kashrus field, beis dins, kehilla Rabbonim that the Chief Rabbi of the city can monitor, appoint and direct. Almost every city in Israel has a Chief Rabbi – why shouldn’t Yerushalayim, Ir Hakodesh have one too?

  3. I’m gonna say this but please don’t start an argument. I will not be looking at this again. Kehath64 please don’t make such a comment again you just look like an ignorant fool. Most rabbonim who run is only due to the fact others push them to as you see in the article rabbi malka didn’t stay in the race to look for kavod rather because reb Chaim told him to. It was just Yom Kippur so watch what comes out of your mouth. Ok? (That was rhetorical. I said I wouldn’t be looking at this again. Remember?)

  4. Just a pedantic note: I am confident that one of the candidates who dropped out is Harav Antebi, product of a wonderful family from Aleppo, and not Entebbe, like the airport in Uganda.

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