Rav Eliyahu Schlesinger: Enough Lau Family Members in the Rabbonus

shlesJerusalem Religious Council Rav/Posek Rabbi Eliyahu Schlesinger Shlita spoke with Kol Berama Radio as he seeks additional support ahead of Tuesday’s 27 Tishrei Jerusalem Chief Rabbinate race. Rabbi Schlesinger hopes to become the city’s next Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi, reiterating he was supported in the past by Maran Rav Elyashiv ZT”L and therefore the chareidi parties should be supporting him in his bid today.

Working against Rabbi Schlesinger is the fact that Agudas Yisrael prefers to back Rabbi Moshe Chaim Lau Shlita. Degel was first signaling it was going to support “the natural candidate”, Rabbi Schlesinger, but the polls show a different reality, that Rabbi Lau has a better chance of emerging the victor. Degel fears if it backs Rabbi Schlesinger and Agudas Yisrael Rabbi Lau, the chareidi vote will be split and this will open the door for the dati leumi camp’s victory. At this stage, Degel’s support for Rabbi Schlesinger is shaky at best.

Rabbi Schlesinger explained that as Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem’s Gilo neighborhood over the past decades he has proven he is the rav of all of the tens of thousands of residents, regularly davening in different shuls and taking part in the happy and difficult times of the area’s residents. He insists he is the best suited rav for the post.

Kol Berama:

Yes, it is clear to all you have accomplished a great deal and it is clear you are a worthy candidate but perhaps Degel has come to realize the Lau name is strong, a name that is popular and carries a great deal of support.

Rav Schlesinger:

Yes, you are correct and that is the very reason I must run. Yes the Lau family is well known but I am well known to Yerushalayim. We must ask residents what they really want and Gilo is a good example. For 40 years I have been serving the community with mesirus nefesh and ten years as the rav/posek of the Jerusalem Rabbinate and it has prospered as a result of my leadership. The Laus are in public service and I think they have filled a number of slots and it is time for them to permit another to serve and to step aside.

Kol Berama:

What will you do if asked to drop out for the greater good, to ensure a victory for Rabbi Lau?

Rav Schlesinger:

If asked to bow out of the race I will not and I plan to run to the end. I will not step aside for Rabbi Moshe Chaim Lau rather I am calling on Rav Lau to bow out.

Kol Berama:

If Rabbi Stern wins, can the chareidi tzibur continue relying on Jerusalem mehadrin kashrus as they have done in the past?

Rabbi Schlesinger:

The resignation letter is already written. If Rabbi Stern wins the race I will step down as rav/posek. For the past ten years there has not been a rav/posek and I filled the slot. The moment a rav is elected he becomes the rav/posek and I will step down.

Kol Berama:

What if Rabbi Stern requests that you remain in your position?

Rabbi Schlesinger:

I would consider such a request and consult with gedolei hador shlita towards reaching a decision.

Regarding kashrus in the city, the Jerusalem Rabbinate has nothing to do with heter mechira this year. All we do with the establishments with non-mehadrin kashrus is to make certain the Chief Rabbinate’s guidelines for heter mechira are in place. The Jerusalem Rabbinate does not engage in heter mechira and has not done so in the past.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. He ended up backing out. About an hour ago, R’ Ahron Leib Shlit”a supported Rabbi Lau and thereforeRabbi Shlezinger officially stepped out of the race.

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