Rabbi Avi Weiss Announces His Retirement

aviwRabbi Avi Weiss, the man who re-invented his brand of Judaism as a social movement, and while doing so has trampled upon both the sanctity and boundaries of Halacha, has announced that he is stepping down from his position starting July 2015. He made the shocking announcement on Shmini Ateres in his “Open Orthodox” temple in Riverdale, NY.

Weiss established an institution that ordains Rabbis who have written and expressed theological positions that lie in stark contrast to traditional Judaism. Leaders of his “Open Orthodox” movement have openly written their thinking about the text of the Bible that parallels the positions of Reform and Conservative Judaism – but not a strictly orthodox one.

Rabbi Weiss’s ordination of women Rabbis contravening thousands of years of Torah tradition and halacha, yes halacha, is a second case in point. Rabbi Weiss has unilaterally declared the statements in the Gemorah and in the Gedolei HaPoskim as merely the reflection of socio-economic realities and forces and not actual halacha. The Gemorah tells us “Isha baAzarah minayin.” Not so, the good Rabbi Weiss. He states, “There are no Halachic barrier that would prevent women from becoming spiritual leaders, spiritual leaders within synagogue whatever the title.”

In celebrating Martin Luther King Day this past year, Rabbi Weiss also crossed a line. No one is questioning that Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King was a remarkable civil rights leader who fought racism peacefully, touched the hearts of the nation, and changed the face of America -making everyone a better person. The crossing of the line was that Rabbi Weiss held this celebration within the confines of an ostensibly orthodox synagogue in front of an Aron Kodesh, replete with mixed-gender singing, a mixed-gender choir, and a mixed-gender crowd.

The following is Rabbi Avi Weiss’ full speech which he delivered at Hebrew Institute of Riverdale on Thursday, October 16, 2014:

To my beloved congregants,

I penned this open letter a few days before Shmini Atzeret. It represents the culmination of much thinking, reflection, and conversation. As a holiday, Shmini Atzeret, is somewhat of an anomaly. Most holidays are associated with ritual symbols. Pesach with matza, Shavuot with the Torah, Rosh Hashana with the shofar, Sukkot with the sukkah, lulav and etrog. Shmini Atzeret is the exception – it is void of any special ritual symbol.

Not only is it void of this, but unlike other holidays it is not associated with any historical occurrence. Pesach commemorates the Exodus from Egypt, Shavuot the giving of the Torah, and Rosh Hashana the creation of the world, Yom Kippur the giving of the second luchot, Sukkot, the time we travelled in the desert in booths. Shmini Atzeret is not connected to any historical event.

The key to understanding why Shmini Atzeret is without ritual or historical meaning is to recognize that every time the holidays are recorded in the Torah, they begin with Pesach, and end with Sukkot. Shmini Atzeret falls immediately after the last day of Sukkot and before the Shabbat we begin to read the Torah again, setting us on course to celebrate a new holiday year. As such, Shmini Atzeret is not a holiday of history, but one of transition. It is a time to reflect upon the past holiday year while contemplating the meaning of the new one. So powerful is this theme of transition that it supplants ritual.

Understanding Shmini Atzeret in this way teaches several lessons about transition:

First, transitions are necessary – that’s why there is a distinct Shmini Atzeret holiday. Most people resist change. But change is built into the very fabric of life. What was is not what will always be. With all due respect to Kohelet, sometimes there is something new under the sun.

Second, transitions require careful planning – so much so that ritual objects take a backseat on Shmini Atzeret – so we can give the challenge of transition the full attention it deserves.

Third, transition should be joyous. That’s why Shmini Atzeret meshes with Simchat Torah, one of the most joyous holidays of the year. Assessing where one has been while contemplating where one is going should be an uplifting process.

It’s been over forty years since Toby and I came to Riverdale with our family. It’s been a great ride. The Bayit has grown and we’ve shared so much of our lives together, developing friendships that will forever remain. We are more than a community, we are a Bayit – a family.

But in the spirit of Shmini Atzeret transition, we are announcing that as of July 2015, I will be stepping back from the senior rabbinic position at the Bayit. The coming months will be ones to continue a process that is already underway, and to hear your voices, as we assess and plan for a future that will take our community well beyond whatever we have, in a small way, been able to achieve.

I’m not stepping back from the senior rabbinic position because of my health. With Gds help, my health is very good. In fact, I am feeling better these days than I have felt in many years.

I’m not stepping back because I’m retiring. That’s a word I do not like. I’d like to retire the word retire. Toby and I intend to remain in Riverdale, where I will continue serving at the Bayit. I will, however, be shifting roles in the shul to one of rabbi in residence–teaching, speaking, counseling and writing. Beyond the Bayit, I will go on teaching and mentoring at Chovevei Torah and Yeshivat Maharat. I also plan on joining others in establishing an umbrella organization which will hopefully encompass the myriad of today’s modern and open orthodox voices.

I’m stepping back from the senior rabbinic position because Toby and I would like to spend more time with our children and grandchildren, and more time in Israel.

I’m stepping back from the senior rabbinic role because it’s time. The spiritual workload of the senior rabbi of the Bayit – setting its vision and mission and halakhic direction, running its very complex multi-faceted programs, joining the board in fundraising, being the professional to whom staff is responsible, working with the lay leadership – requires stronger and younger rabbinic leadership.

The ultimate decision of appointing the next senior rabbi to the Bayit lies, of course, with the board and membership. But it is my strong opinion that the best candidate is already here.

Indeed, we have the opportunity to appoint as our next senior rabbi, Rav Steven (Rabbi Steven Exler), who is already one of the truly great modern and open Orthodox rabbis in America today. Truth be told, I only feel comfortable stepping back because of Rav Steven. He is immensely talented as he uniquely combines brilliance of mind with sensitivity of heart. He is a speaker, a soul counselor and a leader extraordinaire. As a young man, he has already served our Bayit singlemindedly and lovingly for more than 6 years. In recent years, he has, in fact, filled many of the senior rabbi duties, and his best years are yet to come. I, for one, would be proud to say that Rabbi Steven Exler is my rabbi. Rav Steven with Shira and family will take us to new levels. He will make a great, great senior rabbi. Our Bayit is in the best of hands with him.

Rav Steven – and our Bayit – are blessed to have an unparalleled rabbinic team:

I encourage the Bayit to hold on tight to Rav Ari (Rabbi Ari Hart) to work as part of Rav Steven’s team. Rav Ari is creative and charismatic, and he brings a great energy and dynamism to our Bayit.

And Rabba Sara (Rabba Sara Hurwitz), my hero: although Rabba Sara is spending more time as the dean of Yeshivat Maharat, an institution which grants semikha to women, her contribution in the Bayit has been historic, and it continues to be indispensable. A woman’s voice in the spiritual leadership of our Bayit as a full member of our rabbinic team is crucial to our future success.

For years, I have considered myself the most blessed rabbi in America. I am the most blessed because of you. There is no congregation like here at the Bayit. Whatever we have been able to achieve — is yours.

I have spoken often of the difference between functional, and mission-driven, synagogues. With your help, the Bayit has chosen the path of being mission-driven. We are a community – a Bayit – whose tefillot and learning opportunities are part of a larger mission to impact all of Am Yisrael and do our share to improve the world.

With such incredible rabbinic leadership at the helm, I feel confident that we will reach even greater heights. I believe this can be a time to recommit ourselves to our Bayit’s mission, to developing it, and to enacting it – higher and higher.

There is natural sadness that I feel as I step back, but it is overwhelmed by feelings of hoda’ah la-kel, of gratitude to God, and of simchah – joy, a simchah shel mitzvah.

And so, as we embark on this necessary and critical transition phase, let’s do so with joy that as wonderful as it has been, the best is yet to come.

With respect and deep love,

Rav Avi Weiss

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

28 Responses

  1. Wow.. I was praying for the downfall of the rashaim and apikores during my Shemonei Esrei with such kavanah this morning… Hashem works fast… Maybe he can move to North Dakota. Israel doesn’t need Weiss’s toxictivity

  2. “# 1-3 Weiss would never speak the way you have”

    You are 100% correct. He wouldn’t. He rather says “with all due respect to Koheles” Koheles. The wisest of men. All dye respect? Is he kidding? He knows better.

  3. To Joe Joe and Chavrona, the facts speak for themselves. Avi Weiss”s “movement” has been opposed by the majority(nearly all) the mainstream Orthodox institutions , including OU, and the RCA( who unsuccessfully tried to revoke his membership). I won’t bring up the fact that all the Yeshivish and Chassidic groups would also consider Avi as someone who has gone”bananas”. May his movement go the way of all other movements who have a short shelf life.

    Statiscally, the only Jewish segment which has historically thrived and survived, is the segment which abides and embraces the halacha of our forefathers. Go visit “Open movements”(Egalitarian_Reform_conservative and see that they are NOT the ones poting on sites such as “Only Simchas”. Avi and his disciples will have to answer why they traded halachot, for their “modern principles”.

  4. #6, charvona Re: “Rav” Weiss would never speak the way?

    You are right, charvona. Good “Rav” Weiss would speak much worse than that. The good “rav” would go to goishe (NYT) media and publicly trash Yideshkeit and fellow Yiden.

  5. If only the half of you knew know of only a few of his thousands of his hidden deeds & Mitzvas – you would be bowing & kissing his feet.
    I know first hand of many.

  6. #16, A chazir also shows it’s split hooves.

    Now, seriously, could one trample on the holy torah, give tezodokah, do alot of chesed? sure, he’ll be a bad christian…..

  7. #14 Joejoe33455 – your statement shows great arrogance and complete ignorance. Perhaps if you start learning Mussar you will start to act more in line with the ways of the Torah.

    #16 zue1942 – there’s a famous story about a Maskil that lived in the times of the Netziv that was known for his mentchkite. The story is too lengthy to give over here, so in short, the Netziv was asked his opinion about this Maskil. He gave a Mashul and ended his statement with, “…what can I say? A pig is still a pig even if you shecht it K’halacha.” (Worth looking up the story)

    Nimshal – bottom line Rabbi Weiss has created a “Derech” that is counter to Torah. In Avos we learn, “a Machlokes shelo l’shem shamiyim aino miskiyeim”. Bottom line – his “Derech” CAN’T and WON’T last.

  8. #19 the way I read few places…the maskil (metapish) said ‘I will only use mamaar chazal etc etc’so the netziv answered ‘kosher meat cooked in treif pot become treif’. see, sefer torah shkosvo min is pasul no matter how many times he went to mikvah before the shem. and about his doing all this chesed…nu..when a gentile does all this chesed hes a good human being but that doesn’t makehim a pious yid

  9. #23

    sorry to disabuse you of your upbringing,but comments like these (without improper motives) will bring Moshiach closer


    Generally this a site primarily for bonafide orthodox jews,but you’re invited aboard.

    We’ll give as much room to your crowd as you desire,as everyone enjoys the Flintstones (or neanderthals)prior to their extinction

  10. I daven in Ohev Shalom and Rabbi Shmuel Hertzfeld is an example of a Talmud chuchum with yerias shomaim

    The real danger here is the Hardeai black haters who make up unfounded chimeras upon chumras till we can’t function I was part of that haskfa while going thru most of shass till I decided no religion has a right to destroy my life

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