Hikind Says You Will Now Be Able To Prepay NYC Muni-Meters’

mAssemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) announced today that NYC muni-meters will soon accept pre-payments up to an hour before they begin working for the day. This should come as welcome news to the many drivers who are forced to wait at the meter each morning—or return to it—despite having parked up to an hour before the meter becomes active.

“The current situation has been very frustrating for New Yorkers,” said Hikind. “Because the muni-meters are not currently set up to accept payments until they become active, people who find a spot and park their cars at, say, 8:30 or 8:45 am are forced to wait for the meter to accept payment, or to return and make their payment at the time the meter begins working. But now you will be able to park and pre-pay.”

Hikind, who first raised the issue with the Department of Transportation earlier this year, had high praise for DOT Commissioner Polly Trottenberg and her staff, as well as for Mayor de Blasio, for quickly responding to the issue.

“This solution benefits residents and commuters without taking a dime away from New York City,” said Hikind. “It’s a win-win for everyone involved and I was delighted to be part of it.”

The meters are scheduled to be reprogrammed city-wide over a period of time starting early this winter.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

8 Responses

  1. We got change with Barack Hussein Obama yemach sh’mo. What’s so good about Caller? Give me FIVE things that he claims he will do better than his opponent.

  2. Yes, Mark, this is a City Council item, but since Greenfield doesn’t do anything for our community, Dov is stepping in, i guess.

    Moderators Note: Just for the record, Councilman Greenfield was the one who passed this law in the city council a year ago. Here is the original press release that the council sent out when the law was passed. Why the need to distort the truth and lie – and not only lie, but to openly slander someone is simply sickening. http://council.nyc.gov/html/pr/061213parking.shtml

  3. Nachman Caller is an amazing individual in our community & accomplishes so much for our community. He has a huge firm & really works hard for our future. He has a tremendous feeling for the teens@risk issues, cassino issue & so much more.
    Vote Nachman on Tuesday.

  4. I guess he is getting scared of Caller and therefore condeming swastikas and going to Israel for “Chizuk” for an ASSEMBLYMAN not Secretary of state is not working. Vote for change.

  5. Please note;

    The as stated in the press release

    “Bill requires muni meters to deactivate when parking rules are not in effect or when receipt paper is not available” there is no mention of prepay here.

    Additionally it seems this idea was introduced into legislation but it has not been passed into law.

    “A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to “rounding up” parking time.” However according to the City Council Website that law has not been passed.


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