Major Explosion in Iran’s Parchin Facility

iran2The reported explosion in Iran’s Parchin facility was quite significant according to all reports. The facility is located about 15km east of Tehran. The facility is part of Iran’s nuclear program, used to test missile warheads and other roles in the nuclear program. According to reports from Iran, two people were killed and an unspecified number of others were wounded. There are reports stating the blast was so powerful that windows were blown out as far as 20km from the blast site.

Electromagnetic and visual spy satellites continue to monitor that area, including Israeli involvement. The USA is analyzing the explosion and it is expected officials will have a clear understanding of exactly what occurred in the coming days however it is clear without a doubt the explosion was related to Tehran’s nuclear program. Drone aircraft in that area will collect air particles and this will assist the US to analyze exactly what occurred in the blast. There is also speculation the blast was a nuclear experiment. It is already clear that Iran is not likely to agree to permit international inspectors near the site.

Israel Radio added in one report there are experts who believe the blast was the result of intentional sabotage, possibly even an act that carries Israeli fingerprints.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. “The facility is part of Iran’s nuclear program, used to test missile warheads and other roles in the nuclear program.”

    Wait. Just a second. This is terrible reporting. Check your sources again YWN. We all know Iran is not producing missile warheads. Their nuclear program is for the production of peaceful, clean, efficient nuclear energy.

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