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Mayor: New York City Could Handle Ebola Outbreak

debNew York Mayor Bill de Blasio says he’s “very confident” the city’s hospital system could handle an Ebola outbreak.

De Blasio touts the public health system in the nation’s biggest city, the ability of its first responders and its ties to the leadership of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

De Blasio said Monday his city has a “much more aggressive and coherent game plan” than other U.S. cities to fight a potential Ebola case. He says anyone who suspects he or she has Ebola should call 911 or rush to the nearest emergency room.

Five Americans have returned to the U.S. from Africa for treatment since the start of the Ebola outbreak.

A New York man treated for Ebola-like symptoms in August didn’t have the virus.


One Response

  1. “He says anyone who suspects he or she has Ebola should call 911 or rush to the nearest emergency room”

    Wow, this hip & cool Deputy Mayor is such a genius. How could we ever survive without him?

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