PHOTOS: NYS Assembly Candidate, Reb. Nachman Caller Meets Voters, Presents Comprehensive Housing Plan

unnamedOn Thursday, on the eve of Erev Yom Kippur, Republican and ‘Housing and Jobs’ State Assembly candidate, Reb. Nachman Caller attended the traditional reciting of Tashlich at the bay along the Belt Parkway in Brooklyn.

 Following his participation in the Tashlich ceremony, Rabbi Caller greeting the many attendees and their families, handing them out bullet points of his plans to provide housing units in the district and help the struggling class, if elected on November 4th to represent the 48th Assembly District.

 The Caller campaign will release a plan describing how we can provide 2,000 units, by modifying certain building and code regulations and coming up with new proposals that will ultimately change the face of our neighborhoods. The initiative, along with maps and plans will be released in the coming days [photo credit: Dee Voch] .unnamed (10)

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3 Responses

  1. How come you didn’t print my comments on Caller? And so many pictures of him at T ashlich? Or a campaign event.

    Moderators Note: If Dov Hikind was the one in these photos, you would not be posting your comments. So please. Take it someplace else, sir.

  2. However one plans on voting,appreciation must be shown to Mr. Caller for his long term sacrifices and devotion to the community

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