Photo Essay: Admorim And Rabbonim Saying Tashlich (Photos By JDN) [UPDATED GALLERY]

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6 Responses

  1. #1: Tashlich can be said up to and including Hoshannah Rabba.

    Some of them live too far away from the water to walk on Rosh Hashannah. Plus, there are other reasons (see Mateh Efrayim).

  2. why is it that YWN consistently presents us with nameless pictures?

    do you think we know who the heck these people are? I haven’t the faintest idea and I think YWN sucks for not telling us.

    shame on YWN for such low level of reporting.

  3. Tashlich was something that used to be done as a family with Totty and Mommy, sisters and brothers and neighbors. In the Shtetle in Poland, women were not segregated in all aspects of life as they are now. The Alte Heim in Poland, the Rebbetzins were a part of life, and the family unit was very strong. Particularly in Hungary, the Family unit, including mother, was very prominent in daily life. Now the woman are nowhere to be seen. I wonder if all the men remember that they are every one of them given birth to by a woman. Yet now women are something like a Shandeh, a horror to be avoided at all costs, in streets, in stores, in shuls, at Tashlich, at weddings, at Simchah tables. Gone.

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