Agudath Israel’s Yeshiva Services Holds Back-to-School Webinar

agudahOn Wednesday, the Yeshiva Services Division of Agudath Israel held a webinar for New York State yeshivos to inform them of some major changes in some of the programs and a number of the requirements that they must comply with. Yeshiva representatives were greeted by Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, Agudath Israel’s executive vice president, followed by presentations from the organization’s Yeshiva Services Division staff: Mrs. Deborah Zachai, director of Education Affairs; Mrs. Leah Steinberg, director, Project LEARN, Special Education Affairs; and Mr. Dovid Tanenbaum, Education Affairs associate.

Topics discussed included a major shift in the E-Rate program; implementation of the Common Core on the high school level; new immunization reporting requirements; the new special education policy in New York City; and the Title I Generating Funds Survey.

“We are working to provide yeshiva personnel with greater access to important information and have begun using the webinar as an additional means of communicating with the yeshivos,” said Mrs. Deborah Zachai. “The feedback we received from the 50 or so participants in the webinar was extremely positive and we hope to hold additional webinars in the months ahead.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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