Ramapo: Judge Impounds Special Election Ballots

vA judge has impounded all the ballots from a special election in Ramapo that could change the way the town government is run.

The order was issued by Supreme Court Judge Margaret Garvey last night just hours before the polls closed at 10 p.m.

The judge ordered the impound after two special election organizers cited voting irregularities. Confusion over the town’s decision to let unregistered voters vote in the referendums and to not count absentee ballots that arrived after Election Day were among the concerns.

The ballots are now under lock and key at the Rockland County Board of Elections Warehouse in Pomona until at least Oct. 10.

The referendum could change how many council members are elected and how the council is run.

(Source: News12 / Photo via @lohudAkiko)

One Response

  1. Certainly was very funny. There were only 5 people working in my polling place, where there are usually more than 10. In addition, they ran out of folders in which to place the ballots. And on top of that, the one machine that counts the votes was not working, and I was told to put the ballot into a slot in the machine, and the ballot would be counted after the polls close. Perhaps we could go back to the old lever machines?

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