MK Mitzne Calls to Bring the Chareidim into the Coalition

degMK (The Movement) Amram Mitzne is calling on coalition partners to bring in the chareidi parties.

Mitzne, who serves as chairman of the Knesset Education Committee told the Knesset Channel on Tuesday 6 Tishrei that the current situation demands a change in the coalition makeup. He added the chareidi parties must be brought into the coalition to replace Bayit Yehudi. He envisions a coalition with Shas, Yahadut Hatorah, his party and Yesh Atid, excluding Bayit Yehudi.

“I think that we should leave the government but I am not succeeding in persuading [party leader Justice Minister] Tzipi Livni and my other colleagues. Bayit Yehudi should be removed from the collation and replaced with the Labor and chareidi parties to permit embarking on a true diplomatic process” state Mitzne.

He used the interview to take a jab at the Security Cabinet, stating “During Protective Edge I slept well at night knowing that Tzipi Livni sits on the crazy Security Cabinet”.

Mitzne is a retired IDF major-general.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. and this coalition will enact a basic law that either abolishes conscription (and switches to an American-style professional/volunteer army) or allows anyone to be exempt if they have “religious or moral” objections to serving in the army?????????????????????

    or does he assume that he can bribe hareidi politicians to forget their principle and stab their constituents in the back?

    Probably the latter, which is why his idea would come to pass. Hareidi politicians are more highly principled than most Israeli politicians, and in any event, it would be political suicide for them to join a government that is locking up yeshiva students.

  2. coffee addict : They aren’t “high”. The seculars believe that hareidi politicians are primarily interested in money and patronage, and can therefore be bought. They also believe that most hareidim secretly desire to be zionists (perhaps of the hardal flavor) so they can benefit from what the seculars believe is an advanced society (we know otherwise, they don’t). Given that he is a misguided fool, his behavior is quite rationale.

  3. akuperma,

    you realize yourself, when someone chains themself to the podium, walks out of coalition votes etc. due to policies of someone in the coalition it means “we cant sit with people like you, you are evil” even if they did sit with his father (tommy) tommy wasnt as bad

  4. If a coalition of Left/Arabs plus Hareidim became possible, I suspect the left would suddenly discover they weren’t so anti-religious after all, and that conscription is not such a good idea (most countries have rejected it as an inefficient way to raise an army).

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