Lakewood: Help Others By Giving Your Unused Sukkos To ‘Sukkah Exchange’

sukAlthough Rosh Hashana is just behind us, the streets are abuzz with the excitement of this yomtov season. Stores advertise their seasonal wares, clothing, shoes, daled minim, the wood beams are flying off the shelves faster than proprietors can restock them. Sukkos is in the air!

The ‘Sukkah Exchange,’ an annual project of Chesed of Lakewood, is back again pairing sukkahs donated by families who no longer need them with families who do. Building a sukkah is a significant investment in money, time and energy, and for some families fulfillment of this mitzvah is difficult to come by.

Last year’s response to the Sukkah Exchange was overwhelming, a tribute to the tremendous spirit of chesed prevalent within the frum community. Donors were grateful to know that their sukkahs would be used on Yom Tov, filled with simchah and kedushah by beautiful yiddeshe families. When purchasing a new sukkah or going away for yom tov, families were able to put their sukkah to good use by simply contacting Chesed of Lakewood’s Sukkah Exchange. COL is proud to say that every single sukkah donated in previous years was put to use, many of them built by the hardiest Chesed of Lakewood volunteers themselves.

With Yom Tov season upon us, the search for sukkahs is in full swing and the list of families in need is long. Chesed of Lakewood is therefore reaching out to the greater frum community, asking anyone with an unused sukkah to simply contact Chesed of Lakewood for an easy pick-up and a tremendous mitzvah!

To partner with this incredible organization by donating sukkahs please contact the Chesed of Lakewood hotline at 732.901.0482, ext. 4 for the ‘Sukkah Exchange.’ Donations for this program are tax deductible and can be mailed to their office at 72B Park Avenue South, Lakewood NJ 08701.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. The Sukkah Shadchan services Brooklyn, Queens, Monsey, Lakewood, and beyond.
    They have a long list of people who need sukkahs. If you have a sukkah or schach to give away PLEASE call 718-998-6596.

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