Many Have Undertaken to Light Candles Early to Assist Sick Children R”L

shabbosThe response to the pre-Rosh Hashanah call to light Shabbos and Yomtov candles early has been a positive one.

The Lev Malka organization launched the campaign under the banner כל ישראל ערבים זה לזה, asking all women to light candles 15 minutes before the official time in the merit of a child fighting cancer R”L.

(Anyone wishing the name of this and other ill children for tefilos may contact Lev Malka at 02-537-6666 or by fax at 02-537-7911. Organization officials add that any name given out for tefilos is only included after receiving consent from that child’s parents).

Lev Malka CEO Rabbi Avraham Aberman explains “We call on the tzibur at large to continue its part towards healing these children. We hope that those women who accepted lighting candles early will continue doing so in the New Year, and B’ezras Hashem in this merit we should have good news to disseminate”. Rabbi Aberman adds that not infrequently he has seen Yad Hashem in way that leave doctors without an explanation, calling on the tzibur to continue davening and lighting candles early on behalf of these children.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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