Photos Of The Radvil Rebbe ZATZAL, Rav Avrohom Mechalowitz Of Monsey, Who Was Niftar On Shabbos (Photos By JDN)

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3 Responses

  1. BDE

    this is horrific & tragic. our Gedolim are leaving us on a weekly basis & its just getting worse R”L. do you remember just a few years ago-before this mageifa of Gedolim started-when we only heard once or twice a year c”v that a tzaddik was niftar?

    11 Gedolei Hador have passed away already this year in the past 4 months R”L

    (just to mkention the ones niftar THIS MONTH
    1)Rav Naftali Landau zt”l,-the Chuster Dayan-
    September 8 2014-97
    2)Rav Yaakov Bistritz zt”l-R”Y Gedola Mercaz Hatorah Tiferes Mordechai of Montreal.-September 19 2014-58
    3)Rav Pinchos Leibush Hertzel zt”l-rov of the Baal
    Hatanya shul in Yerushalayim.-September 28 2014-92)

    is it even POSSIBLE for someone to say this is coincidence?

    will WE EVER start doing teshuva?

    I’m sorry to be the one to say this & it brings tears to my eyes, but righteous tzaddikim don’t belong staying in a world of people who won’t do teshuva, they belong with Hashem & his shechina in olam Haba.

    If we want Hashem to give us these Tzaddikim to guide us through the generation then we need to listen to them %100 & we need to do teshuva to be deserving of their guidance & Torah.

    May we all start doing Teshuva ASAP before any other Tzaddikim are niftar C”V

    May his neshama have an aliya

  2. typo mistake 23 GEDOLEI HADOR have passed away since the beginning of 2014 R”L

    could you believe it? Makes me cry…. what a loss to klal yisroel but we ourselves are causing this to happen.

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