Vishnitzer Rebbe: Don’t Travel to the Machpelah or Kever Rochel during Aseres Yimei Teshuvah

hagThousands of chassidim joined the Vishnitzer Rebbe for Rosh Hashanah. During seudas shlishis, the rebbe told chassidim that they should not travel to the Ma’aras HaMachpelah or Kever Rochel during the Aseres Yimei Teshuvah. The rebbe explained they are too many people at those sites and the level of tznius is compromised as a result. Therefore the rebbe feels one should not travel to these locations to recite slichos.

The rebbe highlighted the need to increase the number of soldiers in Hashem’s army and therefore, it is incumbent upon the tzibur to increase limud during the period between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. He called on chassidim, young and old alike, to begin their day with an hour of limud Gemara before davening. The rebbe calls on chassidim to do this every day, at least during chol hamoed for those whose schedules to not permit the hour of limud before shachris on regular days of the year.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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