Flatbush: 25-Year-Old American College Student Has Bris Milah Today In Honor Of Rosh Hashanah

cAn unusual celebration took place this morning at The Brooklyn Jewish Xperience Kiruv and Chizuk center (BJX) in Flatbush. A 25 year old American college student named Clifton who began attending classes at the Brooklyn Jewish Xperience over four years ago, decided to have a Bris Milah.

Clifton was presented with an Artscoll Chumash and Siddur and a pair of Tzitsis after his Bris.

“I am so happy and fortunate that I am able to do this Bris”, Clifton said.

Clifton was elated by the number of community members who came to shake his hand and wish him Mazel Tov on this milestone. He was escorted to his Bris with singing and dancing.

Rav Yitzchok Fingerer, the Rav of Brooklyn Jewish Xperience spoke about Clifton’s progress and achievements and saluted Clifton as an inspiration to all of Klal Yisroel.

Oran Bendelstein, the new director of Development for BJX spoke of the need to continue funding programs at BJX so that Judaism and Jewish growth can continue to flourish in Brooklyn.

Many people commented that this was a remarkable event and truly the best way to prepare for Rosh Hashanah. Moshe Caller commented, “This Bris has so much Hashgacha Pratis involved”.

BJX is hosting free explanatory davening for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur for not yet frum Jews. They are also hosting a gala Rosh Hashanah dinner for young Jewish professionals.

The roster for this unique dinner already includes professionals from Australia, the Netherlands and Winnipeg, Canada. To learn more, visit www.BJXCenter.com.

The Bris was sponsored by the Zakheim family Lizecher Nishmas R’ Shlomo Eliezer ben R’ Yaakov  Z”L Zakheim, whose first Yartzheit is the first day of Rosh Hashanah.

(YWN Desk – NYC)


4 Responses

  1. Wow!!!! Kol Hakavod!!! Funny thing is that we don’t think about Kiruv going together with Brooklyn but the fact is that there are more unaffiliated Jews in Brooklyn than probably anywhere else. I lived in a bubble most of my life too but no more. BJX is doing our work in saving Klal Yisroel!

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