Foreign Ministry Employees to Resume Work Sanctions

liebBeginning next week, employees of the Foreign Ministry will begin disrupting operations as their labor dispute remains unresolved. Labor leaders explain that agreement was reached following sanctions back in April 2014 but the deal has yet to be signed. The agreement was to have been signed and go into effect on May 25th but this never occurred and it was not innocently overlooked. Labor leaders accuse ministry officials of intentional foot-dragging to avoid signing and compelling implementation of the agreement. Officials cite that the ministry has canceled a meeting to sign the agreement on more than one occasion.

An urgent meeting of employees was held on Sunday 19 Elul and it was decided to resume work sanctions, sanctions that will impact ministry employees in 103 diplomatic missions worldwide. During the last slowdown diplomatic missions worldwide stopped issuing and renewing passports and addressing many other services.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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