BREAKING: Former Auschwitz Nazi Guard, 93, Charged With Accessory To 300,000 Murders

ogGerman prosecutors say they’ve charged a 93-year-old man with 300,000 counts of accessory to murder for serving as a guard at the Nazis’ Auschwitz death camp.

The charges against Oskar Groening come as part of a nationwide push against former Auschwitz guards launched last year.

Unlike most of the others, Groening has openly talked about his time as a guard and says while he witnessed horrific atrocities, he didn’t commit any crimes himself.

But Hannover prosecutors said in a statement Monday he was a cog in the machinery of destruction during his time at Auschwitz in 1944, noting that he helped collect and tally money stolen from murdered inmates.

He thus “helped the Nazi regime benefit economically, and supported the systematic killings.”

His attorney couldn’t immediately be reached for comment.


4 Responses

  1. Let the guy croak…its a little too late fpr earthly justice…
    At this point the only justice this shtick dreck will receive is what’s coming to him in hell…

  2. I say hunt them down like the animals they are. Look how many more years they got to live a good life, then our loved ones. Torture them to the max.

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