Rav Yisroel Belsky Addresses Agudath Israel Of America Siyum On Maseches Moed Katan


As countless yidden around the globe transitioned to learning Maseches Chagiga for Daf Yomi, the Daf Yomi Comission of Agudath Israel of America hosted a special Siyum on Maseches Moed Katan, which was broadcast live on the commission’s telephone hotline.

Since 2007 the Daf Yomi Commission has organized a grand, widely broadcast celebration for almost every Daf Yomi Siyum. Wednesday’s Siyum was held midday at the Reshet Shiurei Torah Court Street Shul in Downtown Brooklyn. Every workday, there is a well-attended Daf Yomi shiur in the shul. A group of yidden who work in the area sacrifice their daily lunch break and instead dedicate this precious time to learn the Daf.

Commemorating the consistency and dedication to Torah that are the hallmarks of the Daf Yomi program, Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, executive vice president of Agudath Israel of America, noted that Court Street is not typically associated with Torah learning, but the Daf Yomi program defies that. “Daf Yomi is the unifying factor in klal Yisroel,” he said.

The Siyum’s special guest speaker was Harav Yisroel Belsky, shlit”a, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Torah Vodaath, who personally graced the event. Rav Belsky expounded upon how learning Torah on a consistent basis offers fulfillment and energy for all of life’s endeavors, particularly as one ages and becomes physically frail.

“A Daf Yomi shiur is a never ending growth cycle,” Rav Belsky said. “A talmid chacham spends his whole life moving and searching for accomplishment.” The Rosh Yeshiva then delved into the greatness of the upcoming Shmittah year, and the miracles that klal Yisroel stands to merit as a result of the mitzvah and its accompanying emunah.

With yidden around the world now learning Maseches Chagiga with renewed enthusiasm, the Daf Yomi Commission is dedicated to continue offering myriad resources to learners in over 900 affiliated shiurim across the United States and Canada, and growing its network. “With every milestone, we look forward to further increasing limud haTorah, b’ezras Hashem,with the assistance of Agudath Israel’s Daf Yomi Commission” said R’Yerachmiel Bratt, the local Daf Yomi Magid Shiur.

(Shimmy Blum – YWN)

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