Connecticut: Inmate Who Killed Mother & Two Daughters In Home Invasion Claims He’s An Orthodox Jew & Suing For Kosher Diet

hayOne of two men convicted in the gruesome killings of a mother and her two daughters in a 2007 Connecticut home invasion is suing the state, claiming his rights are violated because he’s being denied kosher food in prison.

Steven Hayes, who is on death row at Northern Correctional Institution in Somers, describes himself in his federal lawsuit as an orthodox Jew and claims he’s been requesting a kosher diet since May 2013, The New Haven Register reported.

Hayes, 51, also said denying him a kosher diet violates his Eighth Amendment right that forbids cruel and unusual punishment because he’s being forced to eat non-kosher food to survive.

“I have been suffering almost starvation for the past year,” Hayes said in his lawsuit.

A spokeswoman for the Department of Correction declined to comment and said the lawsuit has been referred to the attorney general. A spokeswoman said the attorney general will respond in court.

Public Defender Thomas Ullmann, who has represented Hayes, said he is pleased Hayes “has some spiritual interest and is occupying his mind.”

“He has been consulting and speaking with a rabbi, and has been asking for more time with the rabbi,” he said.

Hayes’ desire for kosher food is a “legitimate request,” Ullmann said.

Hayes was convicted of capital felony, murder, assault and other crimes and sentenced to death for the July 2007 killings of Jennifer Hawke-Petit and her two daughters, 17-year-old Hayley and 11-year-old Michaela, after a night of torment in their home in Cheshire. Another man, Joshua Komisarjevsky, also was convicted and sentenced to death.

Hayes has sued before. A federal judge in November 2012 denied a lawsuit seeking to change his prison conditions, ruling he did not provide evidence his mental health treatment was inadequate or back up his request for changes to his diet.

He also complained his legal papers were confiscated as a form of harassment or retaliation. The judge said Hayes did not show irreparable harm.

And Hayes also sought an emergency motion seeking relief, saying his prison cell was too cold and that he was misdiagnosed by staff who claimed his suicidal tendencies, depression and other issues stemmed from his crime rather than his conditions.

9 Responses

  1. Was he born a Jew? What was his mother’s name? When did he become Jewish? Who oversaw the conversion? Was it an Orthodox conversion? Was there a presumption he would keep taryag mitzvos? What happened to murder, is that no longer in taryag? What about suicide? I would doubt someone considering suicide would be considered as intending to keep taryag mitzvos. Would anyone else besides him consider him an Orthodox Jew?

  2. #1
    do we really need to ask these questions?
    Many jews have done bad things.
    This being elul should we not assume he has done tshuva? should we deny him (or force him to eat traif) just because he committed an evil act?
    If the justice system entitles orthodox jews to kosher meals and an orthodox rabbi certifies he is a practicing jew, then he is entitled to the meals.
    Nevuzadran, was the Hitler of his time. He was the destroyer of the first bais hamikdash, the butcher of tens of thousdands. He converted and became a frum yid.
    If he could be welcomed to yidishkeit considering his sins, so could this man.

  3. A local rabbi recently told me that in our states prison, over 60 people claimed to be Jewish and need Kosher food, all of the African American and obviously lying.

  4. Nevuzadran, was the Hitler of his time ect.

    Nebuzaraden was the general of a king Divinely given world dominion and appointed to carry out the destruction. He was informed of of his role through true profits and so where we. Had he carried out his actions L’Shem Shemayim we wouldn’t even consider him a Rasha. Comparing them to Yemach Shmo and to the sick human animal who committed the crimes mentioned in this article is a bit of a stretch.

  5. To #2

    Yes, we DO have to ask these questions. If he’s a goy (as I hope he is) then he should not have any “privileges” designed for Jewish prisoners. You say many Jews have done “bad things”. Do you recall what this monster did? Teshuvah? FEH. They can’t execute him quickly enough for me. He doesn’t deserve to live one more minute.

  6. A jew? I followed that story. Do you have an idea what this monster commited? He had no resemblance of a jew. It’s embarrassing that he aligns himself with that. he wasn’t wearing a kippa when he tortured that family to death. I can’t believe they didn’t kill him yet. he’s a shame to humanity.

  7. Yeshiva world please edit your stories a little better. This is not a newsworthy story for OUR YESHIVA WORLD it is a horrible story to even remember. The facts of whether this rasha deserves or doesnt deserve kosher food is IMMATERIAL he is a rasha merusha whose picture should not even be on your site. Please spare us in the future from such news stories

  8. ,#1-“Assume he has done yeshiva” , r u for real, is he even Jewish to do teshuva??? What the heck are you talking about. He’s a miserable ruthless murderer.

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