Wiesenthal Center Calls Gruesome Ohio U. ‘Ice-Bucket’ Protest ‘Anti-Semitic’

wcThe Simon Wiesenthal Center is condemning Megan Marzec, President of the Ohio University Student Senate, who filmed an anti-Israel protest video similar to the international “Ice Bucket Challenge” for the ALS disease. Aron Hier, Director of the Wiesenthal Center’s Campus Outreach, said, “Instead of dumping ice on her head and raising money to find cure for the horrific disease, she chose to deploy the oldest disease—the disease of hatred and anti-Semitism by dumping a bucket of red liquid over her head and declaring, ‘I’m sending a message of concern about the genocide in Gaza and the occupation of Palestine by the Israeli state….This bucket of blood symbolizes the thousands of displaced and murdered Palestinians, atrocities which OU [Ohio University] is directly complacent (sic) in, with cultural and economic support of the Israeli state.’”

The Wiesenthal Center says Marzec’s action was clearly anti-Semitic. “The US State department considers anti-Semitism to include applying double standards to Israel by requiring of it behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation,” said Aron Hier. “We condemn Megan Marzec’s anti-Semitic use of the ‘ice bucket challenge’.” Hier also informed OU President President Roderick McDavis’ office that the severity of her actions will only contribute to the hostility directed towards Jewish and pro-Israel students.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

3 Responses

  1. i disagree. not so, popa, this isn’t just another anti-Semitic youtube clip. this ‘ice bucket challenge’ was a global hit, and this has a lot of potential to catch on and progress. don’t under-estimate the power of these clips. EVERYBODY watches them. and i mean everybody in the world. no, this isn’t ‘just another’ anti-Semitic protest. she took something that’s powerful and globally resourceful and is channeling it for antisemitism – far more than the press or radio can ever accomplish.

  2. Trust me, dumping a bucket of red stuff on your head WILL NOT be the sequel to the ice bucket challenge.

    Besides Hamas already tried their version with the “rubble bucket”

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